7 part( missing Koko 🥺)

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~Taehyung pov_____.

“I'm here just 6 days only. I wanted to spend whole time with you Jung kook. But you will be in camp, why??
When Taehyung didn't turn up.
Jung kook went to closer to Taehyung and hugged him gently.
One drop of Taehyung tears fall on Jung kook hand.
Jung kook get worried, he got up and sit on bed”.
Jung kook: Taehyung?? Tae??? Bear????

Taehyung  didn't replied, Jung kook moved towards Taehyung and saw he is fall asleep.
He got up and covered Taehyung with blanket and then went to his room”.
~In morning pov_________.
Jung kook get up early morning and after freshen up he went to Taehyung room.
He saw the boy sleeping hugging the blanket like if unhung the blanket it will lost for forever.

Jung kook kneeled in front of Taehyung. He gently kissed on Taehyung head”.

Jung kook: I will be back soon Tae.
Saying that he got up and left.
~After 2 hours_______.
Teahyung wake up rubbing his eyes. He is sitting on bed  20 minutes.

~ Taehyung pov¬¬¬_______.

I know he already left. I don't have strength to got up and doing anything.
My heart is so much heavy.

Why It's always happen to me.
I wanna cry hard for this. I'm completely alone now.
Tears fall From Taehyung eyes continuously.
He took his phone to text Jung kook  But Jung kook wasn't didn't replied.

After more 30 minutes he got up from bed and went to washroom.

He took cold shower for 20 minutes just thinking of Jung kook. His whole body goes numb due to cold.

He come out and covered his body with blanket again and lay on bed closing his eyes.

~Time skipped in Evening_______.

Doctors come out from Taehyung room,

Doctor: There is nothing to be worried. He just fainted beacuse of fever.

Mr.Jeon: Thank god. I get worried so badly. If anything happened to him what i will explain his Mom.

Doctor: It's okay. He will be heal soon.

"Doctor left, Mr Jeon went inside Taehyung room where Mrs Jeon  also sitting beside Taehyung".

Mr.jeon: You should be more careful Honey.

Mrs. Jeon: I was, but i don't know he catch cold and then fever. Last night he was also good.

Mr. Jeon: It's okay.

Mrs. Jeon: You sit here, if Taehyung wake up and need something. I will make something healthy for him.

Mr. Jeon nodded and sit beside Taehyung.
Mrs. Jeon went to kitchen to make something for Taehyung
Mr. Jeon gently rubbed Taehyung hair.

Mr. Jeon in mind: How fast he get attached with us even though he never meet us before. He is much cute and good like his mom.
I swear, Taehyung if you were a girl I will surly make you our daughters in-law.

“Suddenly he heard some unclear words from Taehyung”.

Taehyung in trembl in voice:
W...w..watr...p....please....m ...mom...g....ive....w...at..er...
~Author Pov______..

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