6 part( little romance 🥰 🫂)

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**** In next morning_______
                   Taehyung woke up.

****Author pov____________.

Teahyung  hurriedly went to downstairs thinking to meet Jung kook in dining table.
His smile faded away when he saw Jung kook wasn't there.
He slowly and sadly sit on chair.
Mrs.Jeon noticed Taehyung sitting sadly. She came to him and sit beside Teahyung while rubbing Teahyung hairs gently”

Mrs.Jeon: What happened Taehyung? Why you looking sad?

Tae in low voice: I'm not feeling good aunty.

Mrs.Jeon worriedly: Why?? Anything happened?? Tell me my son.

Taehyung nodded as his head as no.

Mrs.jeon: Okay then have your breakfast.

Taehyung didn't said anything. Mrs.jeon got up and serve breakfast to Teahyung. And Taehyung  started to eating slowly.

****Jungkook's pov_____,
                                        I badly missing him. Why he didn't make me wake up before going. I wanted to see him.
I really missing last night. He was so close to me but still so much gentle. He is such a good guy.
Teahyung  thinking all of this just finished his breakfast and went to his room.
Taehyung in room____ .

Taehyung was laying on his stomach holding the bed sheet tightly”

Tae: we was so close last night. I never thought I could go that much close to him.
I wanted to hold his hand but my heart!!
Aghh!!! I'm missing him so much so much so many much!!

Tea mind voice: Why are you talking like this Taehyung?? You are a boy. You can't love a guy.

Tae: So what if i love him. Love don't see the gender identity.

Tae mind voice: And what about your mom? “Taehyung become sad thinking about his mom”.

Tea: She never goanna accept that. She is the one who said me to not go in any relationship. But I loved him I swear I can't go out off this now.
Please god Help me please.
        “Taehyung was busy with own thought suddenly he got some notification in his                                                                                                 mobile. He slowly took his mobile”.

Tae: Who texted me?? It's an unknown number.
Teahyung opened the notification”.

**IN Text ________,

Unknown person: Hi

Tae: Who are you?

Unknown person: I miss you baby bear.

Tae shockingly: Jun...n.. jungkook??

Jung kook: Yes it's me.

Tae: where did found my number??

Jung kook: In my dream.

Tae: Liar!!

Jung kook: No It's true. What are you doing??

Tae: I'm just laying.

Jung kook: And??

Tae confusingly: And What??

Jung kook: Don't you miss me??

Taehyung blushed: Hm.... A lot. Please come fast in home.

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