part 16( 😘 😘)

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~At Sana Home,

Sana shouted: Uncle!!! Uncle!!!! Uncle !!!!!!!!! “Her uncle hurriedly come towards her”.

Mr Han: SANA , what happened?

Sana angrily: Who is that Taehyung ??? I want his all information about him!!!

"Mr Han called his PA and said him to collect information about Taehyung".

Mr Han: But what happened? Why are you so angry???

Sana:  Nothing Just i wanted to know.

Mr Han: So how is going everything? Did you saw any positive side for you?

Sana : No.....

Mr Han: What to do then. You must have to own His heart at any cost and get married with him.

Sana : I know Uncle. If he don't come to me, then I have another way to make him mine..

Mr Han: What's that??

Sana smirked : Did your forget about Jung kook promise that he did to his mom?

Mr Han: Of course not..

Sana smiled: : I think i've owned His mother's heart as she is too weak for a girl. And next is his dad..

Mr Han: Aishh that rude Punk!!!

Sana  annoyingly: At least do something to own his heart...

Mr Han confusingly: What can i do???   
Sana: Do some good work to own his heart!
"Sana rolled her eyes,"

Mr Han: So should i stop my business???

Sana: Ohhh god! I told to act good and do little good works that we could proof that you become good.

Mr Han: Okay okay my Princess. I understood.

Sana in mind: I won't run behind you any more jung kook. I will make you run for me.

~At evening,

Taehyung  wake up from sleep.

Taehyung: Ahh!!!
Taehyung groaned little in pain in his h*le area (A/N: Wtf i am writing!!!)”

He also couldn't believe that what they done few while ago. He sat on bed, Jung kook  walked inside room.

Jung kook: Tae are you wake up??
Taehyung just hummed while rubbing his eyes. Jung kook sit in front of Taehyung.

Jung kook: Are you okay?

Taehyung looking down in embarrassment. He couldn't even looking at Jung kook neither telling anything.

Jung kook grabbed Taehyung Hands: Taehyung…….
"Suddenly a call ring , Taehyung took his Mobile and pick call immediately "

Mrs jeon: Hello bear ,

Taehyung: mom how are you ?

Mrs.jeon: I'm good son what about you?

Taehyung: im also , mom I'm missing you..

Mrs jeon: awww mAh cute baby , miss you to baby , tell me you enjoy you'r 1st day .

Taehyung blushingly: I had enjoyed a lot... Are you sleepy or on bed?

Taehyung  attentively: Aniyoo....Why?

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