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Aisha what a beautiful name MASHALLAH. You must have heard this name so many times. People of this name are in INDIA, AMERICA, AFRICA, INDONESIA, SAUDI ARABIA, CHINA, PAKISTAN, EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST and many more countries. So much of Barakah(barkat) that now-a-days we see the non-muslims carry the name of Our Mother Aisha(RA). Mashallah!

Her personality is just beyond amazing... SUBHANALLAH

She is a MUMINA, a SALEHA, a MUSLIMAH, a AALIMA, a SHEIKHA and a MURABIYA, she is a complete example of what a muslim women should be like.

Aisha (RA) was the most beloved to the Prophet ﷺ. She was the memorizer of the book of Allah (SWT). She memorized and related on behalf of Prophet ﷺ 2210 Hadiths.

It was she who had served as a safeguard for the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ and for those generations who came after them in the areas of religious discussions and religious knowledge. She was in an enviable position among the Mother of the Beleivers in that she was considered the foremost among them. Several Ayats of the Quran which were revealed were associated with her, and she was justifiable proud of his honor. 

During her lifetime the Prophet ﷺ gave her the wonderful news that she earned a place for herself in Jannah. Aisha (RA) was known to be exceptionally beautiful and sharp-witted. She had a brilliant mind with a remarkable memory. She was tender hearted and no needy person left her house empty-handed.

Aisha (RA) was a modest, pious and a pure lady. Aisha (RA) had an eloquent way words. The blending of all these qualities naturally made her a most attractive and fascinating person. First battle witnessed by Aisha (RA) was the Battle of Auhad. She used to bring water to the fighters in this battle.

A hadith narrated by Abbas Ibn Malik, who said,
"I heard the Prophet ﷺ say,' The position of Aisha among women is like that of thareed (a favored meat and broth dish) over other food.'  

Imam-uh-Zuhri said," If you were to gather together all of the knowledge of Aisha(RA) and compare that to all the wives of the Prophet ﷺ and all the women who were Muslims, the knowledge of Aisha(RA) was more than them."

Allah(SWT) had chosen her Himself in the heaves as a bride for Muhammad ﷺ; a portrait of hers, wrapped in silk, was brought to him in his dream by the angel Jibril(AS).

Umm Salma (RA) said, "Indeed, Aisha was the most beloved person to the Prophet ﷺ with the exception of her father." 

Aisha (RA) was very tender-hearted, and broke into tears easily. On one occasion when a beggar woman carrying two small children came to her door; she had only three dates in the house, these she gave her; and the woman gave each to the children and started eating one herself. One of the children ate his share quickly and started looking longingly at his mother eating her date. The woman could not bear her child's hunger and took the date from her mouth, and broke it into halves, and gave a piece to each of the children. When Aisha (RA) saw this heartrending scene she could not control her tears.

The Prophet ﷺ loved her deeply and respected her because of her praiseworthy qualities.

On one ocassion when the Prophet ﷺ was ill, Aisha (RA) was also not feeling well. The Prophet ﷺ said that if she died before him he would personally bathe her and shroud her and lower her into her grave and pray for her. She lightheartedly replied that is seemed as if he would celebrate her death; and she told him that incase she died before him, he should bring a new wife into her apartment. The Prophet ﷺ smiled at this; but it was during this illness that he left this this world to join his Lord.

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