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A/n:This chapter is dedicated to all my patient and amazing readers.

•This event was a major event in Our Mother's life.


Aisha (RA), a very slim and petite fourteen-year old had also accompained the Prophet (SA) on this expedition. She had borrowed a delicate necklace from her sister Asma (RA). On the way back when the army had camped in the desert,she went far into the desert to relieve herself. Suddenly she realized that the necklace had fallen somewhere. She retraced her footsteps looking for it and luckily found it, but after a very long search. By the time she reached the camping site, the caravan had already left. Now the normal procedure was that the ladies, who were segregated from the men folk, would get into their litter and draw curtains. Then the camel drivers would place the litter on the camel's back. Since Aisha (RA) was very light so no one realized her absence. When she came back after her search to the camping site, she found the caravan had left. Fearless as she was she just lay down, waiting for her companions to return for her when they found her missing.

Safwan bin Muattal was given the responsibility of checking the camp site for things which might had been left behind inadvertently after the departure of the caravan; at daybreak he arrived to find a figure lying down wrapped in Jilbab. When he saw it was a lady, he moved away after alighting from the camel, so she could get on to it. When Aisha (RA) heard him she woke up, and got on to the camel.

It was afternoon that the caravan had reached the next camp and all the people saw Aisha (RA) and Safwan bin Muattal reaching the camp. This incident became the material for a scandal. The whole of Madinah was flooded by this filthy talk that Aisha (RA) was a loose woman and her character was suspect. Upon hearing this Prophet (SA) was disturbed, but Aisha (RA) was just ignorant about the gossip going the rounds about her and Safwan bin Muattal.

One night Aisha (RA) went out with the aged mother of Mastah bin Aththathah . The old lady tripped and started cursing her son. Upon hearing the cursing Aisha (RA) was shocked, remonstrating with the old lady she said that he is a Companion of the Prophet (SA) was had fought bravely in the Battle of Badr and that he deserved respect. The old lady said Aisha (RA) how he was involved in an awful and frightening plot; and told her everything which was going on behind her back (accusations on her and Safwan bin Muattal). Aisha (RA) was surprised.
After returning home, she took the permission of Muhammad (SA) and went to visit her parents. Her parents also narrated her the story. She was heartbroken and started weeping . Aisha (RA) parents tried to console,calm and soothe her.
After 2 days and nights of weeping she fell ill.

Muhammad (SA) went to Zainab (RA) to ask about Aisha (RA). On this Zainab (RA) said that she only knew good about Aisha (RA) (Subhanallah).On the third morning Muhammad (SA) came to her house to visit her. Muhammad (SA) said to her that if she erred she should ask Allah for His forgiveness. At this her tears dried up and, and she asked her parents to answer him. But her parents didn't say anything. Finally she spoke to her husband and said that if she denied she was guilty, nobody would trust her; but she was innocent and only Allah (SWT) knew it.

At this an Ayah revealing Aisha (RA) innocence was revealed on Prophet(SA) . When the revelation revealed, Muhammad (SA) brow was full of beads of perspiration; he then turned to Aisha (RA) with a smile and started reciting the Ayah,

"Surely those who concocted the slander (against Aisha- a wife of the Prophet) are a clique among you. Do not regard this incident as only an evil, for it also contains a good lesson for you. Whoever took any part in this sin, has earned his share accordingly, and the one who took on himself the leading part, shall have a terrible punishment. Why did not the believing men and believing women, when they heard of this slander, think well of their own people, and say: "This is clearly a false accusation?" Why did they not produce four witnesses? If they cannot produce the required witnesses, they are the liars in sight of Allah. Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah towards you in this world and the Hereafter, you would have been severely punished for your involvement in this scandal; when you passed on with your tongues and uttered with your mouths that about which you had no knowledge. You took it lightly while it was a very serious offence in the sight of Allah. Why did you not, when you heard about it, say: "It is not befitting for us to talk about it, Glory be to You, O Allah! This is a monstrous slander?" Allah admonishes you never to repeat a mistake like this, if you are true believers. Allah has made his revelations clear to you, Allah is All Knowing, All Wise. Those who love to spread such slanders among the believers will have a painful punishment in this life and in the Hereafter. Allah knows and you do not know. Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah towards you, this scandal would have produced very bad results for you. Allah is indeed very Kind, most Merciful. O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan: because anyone who follows the footsteps of Shaitan is seduced by him to commit acts of indecency and wickedness. If there had not been the grace and mercy of Allah upon you, none of you would have ever been purified from that sin, for it is Allah Alone Who purifies whom He pleases, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." [SURAH AN NUR: 11-21]

Aisha (RA) parents were so happy and relieved that their daughter had been honored with a Quranic revelation, and relief that she was acquitted of any wrongdoing.

Umm Roman told Aisha (RA) to go and thank Muhammad (SA) and on this she replied that," By Allah i am not going to thank you and I am not going to thank him, the only one i have to thank is Allah who has revealed my innocence."

Asalmualiakum wr wb!!! How are you'll? Im extremely sorry for not updating... Please accept my apology *pouting*.

Jazakaalah khair(x100) everyone for supporting and loving this book♥♥ this really means a lot to me....
In sha Allah only few parts are left for the book to complete.

Please do remember me in your precious duas♥ tc
Love you'll... Asalamualikum!

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