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After the incident of Ufuk, the Prophet's respect for Aisha (RA) increased more.
On one occasion Umar (RA) told his daughter Hafsah not to try and compete with Aisha (RA) as Muhammad ﷺ respected her and valued her very highly. One of the reasons for this was her mastery and knowledge of the decrees and articles of faith as well as her brilliant interpretation of Islamic law.

The bond between Aisha (RA) and Muhammad ﷺ was very strong. Umm Salma said that, "Indeed, Aisha (RA) was the most beloved person to the Prophet ﷺ with the exception of her father."

Another incident when the revelation was occurred when Aisha (RA) was travelling with Muhammad ﷺ. In this journey, Aisha (RA) father and the other Companions of Prophet ﷺ had accompanied them. They camped at a place in the dessert and once again Aisha (RA) necklace fell off. Some of the companions were sent to search it. The Prophet ﷺ was resting in his tent, when the call for morning prayers was given. But there was no water for ablution (wudhu) . The Companions were worried about the prayers and they said that Aisha (RA) was responsible for this. Abu Bakr Siqqiue (RA) curtly rebuked his daughter for creating a situation, which might lead to the Fajr prayers being missed. Exactly at that moment an Ayat was revealed to Prophet ﷺ

"O believers! Do not offer Salah when you are drunk until you are able to understand what you are saying; nor after seminal emission, except when you are travelling, unless you wash your whole body. If you are sick, or on a journey, or one of you has used the toilet, or has had contact with women (sexual relations with wives) and can find no water, then make Tayamum: take some clean earth and rub your faces and hands with it.  Allah is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.  [SURAH NISA:43]

Immediately all they people who were criticizing Aisha (RA) started praising her and thanked her for such a great favour Allah(SWT) had granted because of her. Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) was also very happy and pleased. After the prayers when the camels were ready to leave, the necklace was found under one of them.

Aisha (RA) said to Muhammad ﷺ: "Messenger of Allah, why do you exert yourself so much while all your sins have been forgiven?" To this he replied, "Aisha should I not be a grateful servant of Allah?"

♥OUR MOTHER AISHA (RA)♥Where stories live. Discover now