34) Supreme god's favor

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Aurora gave her statement in front of the cabinet, leaving out the fact that she attacked us first.
Blossom was summoned to give her side. And the damned female didn't leave out any detail about our first encounter-how I sent her in a coma.

All this while, they kept me standing there, listening to them persecute me.

When the two witnesses were done, the Supreme god rose from his throne and descended the stairs.
With every step he took, a frightening vibration in my chest echoed. It felt like he was walking in my soul.

This had to be the power my brothers spoke of. The Supreme god was the strongest and most powerful of all deities.

I held my breath when he halted a few inches from my body. Being so close, I could see the color of his eyes, a calming purple shade. His white hair had a few purple and golden strips, giving him a unique appearance.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked in a low voice, as if not to let the others hear.

Getting rid of the fear in my chest, I gazed into his eyes and answered, "I'm innocent. It was self-defense."

We shared a brief stare before he turned around and walked back up to his mighty seat. It felt strange, him coming down just to ask me that simple question.

"Does anyone else have anything to add?"

It was silent for some seconds before four figures appeared in front of me like a wall.
They bowed at the ruler of the heavens respectfully.

"Her powers are unstable. She meant no harm." Orm defended.

"No harm?" Aurora's voice squealed from behind me on her throne. "She cut off my bond with my weapons and used them against me. How was that accidental?"

My head whipped back, sending her a glare. But Xia's eyes reminded me of his warming as he fanned himself delicately.

"If I'm to be punished, will Aurora be punished as well?" I heard myself asking.

"The root of this conflict was the person you were trying to defend." The Supreme god said. "You claim he's your messenger. If so, explain to us how you created him."

My ego took a step back to remember the events.
How exactly had I created Hades?

"Divine messengers are created from the Yang tree," Aurora stated.

"But Mel is not from the Yang," Loki spoke up.

"And her creating a divine messenger might be different from us," Axle chipped in.

Seeing them try so hard to fight for me brought tears to my eyes. They truly were the brothers that raised and protected me for years.

"Melanie?" The Supreme god called, silencing everyone. "This matter needs deeper investigation. And until everything is settled, you'll be confined within Sun Palace."

A female gasped from the other thrones, obviously not satisfied with the final decision.
When I gazed back, I saw a red-eyed goddess on her feet. Her face spoke of all the dissatisfaction in the world.

"But we agreed on sending her to the ice wastelands?" She objected to the Supreme.

The female hardly knew me, what was the hostility about?

"Oh? Do I hear a protest?"
The Supreme god asked. "Being her first time here and a new addition to our cabinet, I changed the previous decision."

When she had nothing else to say, she could only scowl the soul out of my body, before sitting her ass down.

"Thank you Supreme ruler." Castor bowed and turned around to face me, the other three followed his actions.
"You'll be safer there."

I went closer to them, not worried about myself even for a second. "What about Hades? I thought you said he'll be here."

Castor and Orm exchanged a look before falling back on me. "He... he's in prison."

"But why?" I cried out, suddenly enraged.

Loki took my left hand and traced something. "Be patient. Don't cause any trouble here. The rules are much stricter in this realm. Your messenger will be fine as long as you obey the rules."


Axle sighed before embracing me.
"Nothing will happen to you here. In case of any emergency, activate the rune on your hand and we'll come to you." He whispered.

It was Orm's turn to bid me goodbye. His hug was light but full of silent love as always. "If the food tastes horrible, send me a message and I'll deliver human food to you."

"Even, KFC?"

He moved back and patted my head. "Anything you wish."

I chuckled, feeling the deep love they all had for me.
In this strange world, I now had my family with me. It was enough at the moment.

"Come here." Castor pulled me to himself. His hands snaked on my back, smothering me on him firmly. He kissed my head and whispered, "Whatever decision they make in the end, we'll make sure nothing bad happens to you. So don't dare worry about this. Let us handle this mess for you."'

Tears of pure affection rolled down to my chin as I buried my head in Castor. I had to be the most lucky being alive to experience this kind of love from them. They would do anything to protect me, and I would do the same for them.


Following the Supreme god, I stepped foot outside the throne room, or was it some kind of court building? Hard to tell.

It was so bright that my vision was blurred for a few seconds. And when it became clear, my eyes almost pooped out of their sockets.
The building was high above the world, dancing among the clouds. There were two suns, positioned at either side of the horizon, supplying too much light everywhere.

My mind got lost trying to comprehend this new world I was staring at when the largest eagle to ever exist flew past the porch of the building.

And if that wasn't enough, someone was seated on it cross-legged and eyes shut. He had so much in the bird as if his life meant nothing.

"Damn!" I muttered.

I was still dazed when the other deities walked out of the hall. With only head nods at the male standing in front of me, they all jumped in the air and flew off without wings.
My mind was about to explode when the sounds of horse neighs reached my ears. Finally, something I was familiar with.

"Our ride is here." The Supreme deity informed me without sparing me a single glance.

From the west, two brown horses came galloping through the air. Their strong wide wings flapped majestically as they made their way towards us.

Was this my reality? Flying horses and gigantic birds?

The coachman directed the horses on the wide porch like parking a car in my other world, before jumping off. He bowed at his master, then opened the carriage door.

"Melanie?" He called turning his head to the side.


"Get in."

Without any objection, I hurried to the carriage. But my hesitation betrayed me. How the hell was I to get in? It was a bit high and with nothing to help me up, like a ladder.

As I turned to enquire, a foreign hand snaked itself on my waist. And the next second, I was flying up and in the carriage.
The air had frozen in my lungs momentarily and only started circulating normally when the hand let go of me.

"Sit down." His voice ordered as he sat on the fancy purple benches facing each other.

You survived it. I assured myself while sitting opposite the ruler of all the realms.

Was this a privilege or a curse? He had to have a lot of admirers, women who wanted to have him, and men who wanted to be him.
And then there was me, hoping to survive a carriage ride through the air led by flying horses.

Damn me.

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