35) A kiss from the Supreme god

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The chains were extremely cold, ice fog leaking from them due to how frosty they were.
They had managed to make my body temperature drop to about negative twenty, making my skin grow pale.

   These cruel bastards.

If I was indeed a divine messenger, I'd have probably frozen to death from the cold atmosphere in the prison was. Everything was made of ice. And not the human kind, this was thick and hard as the strongest metals in the mortal realm. Its fog was enough to freeze up thousands of humans.

     I exhaled, and the warmth of it was snatched by the coldness in an instant.

How long were they planning on keeping me here?
Would that little deity try to rescue me?

    I'd have to wait and see what she was planning. If she indeed cared about me, she'd find a solution.
But the little troll had no idea how torturous this prison was.

I sighed, settling down my thoughts.

When I gazed to the left in the next cell, I caught a figure curled up on the blue icy floor. She was trembling, holding on to her dear life.

    From the clothes she was wearing, she must have been a low class fairy that violated some ridiculous rules in Laze city.

But unlike me, she wasn't chained, only affected by the extreme cold here.

     "You?" I called out.

There wasn't a response.

"I'm talking to you dear heavenly fairy."

This time, her body moved a little. Her actions were slow and weak, but she managed to uncurl and face me.
  Her lips were turning purple, just like her brown skin was slowly changing.

   "How long have you been here?"

She crawled towards me, stopping by the bars separating our cells.

   "Wh-whe-where i-i... sh-s-she?" The fairy asked, struggling to stay awake.

I got up from my corner and walked to sit beside her.

   "Who are you tal-"


"Meanie? Ooh! You mean Melanie?"

The girl nodded.

"She-" I stopped to think. How had a low class fairy known about Melanie's arrival in this vast realm?
    "Why do you ask?"

She shook her head. "Ca'...t-tell yo-yo-you."

  "Hmm!" I tried to sound calm, but I was so pissed that this creature thought I didn't deserve to know the reason she was asking for Mel.

     As my mind wandered off, a dainty hand creeped from the other side of the bars and rested on my chest.
I glared at her, demanding answers for this unwanted contact. But before I could cuss her, something yanked my mental body hard.

It felt like I was falling, and when I stopped falling, I found myself standing in the the void. All there was, was bright light...and the girl. She looked much healthier and lively. Her long pointy ears were no longer hidden by her blue hair.

    She bowed at me.

"Kira greets you, god of the void."

"I'm not a-"

  "Kira knows your secret, Lord Hades. Kira sees all that is to happen."

I ran a hand through my hair, a bit irritated by her mentioning her name at every sentence she uttered.

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