VOLUME 2--(1; The holy city)

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A large city was emerging from the miasma, yet it was free of it. Why?
From its center, a grand palace stood out from the rest of the small buildings making up the city. But what made it fully stand out was the sophisticated gray statue of a woman that stood at its roof, arms wide open as if welcoming all who came here. The crown on her head was colored purple, which as I had come to realize, symbolized yin. With my little knowledge, I at least could tell that the stature was of no other than...Hesphone.

As we approached the city wall, a loud trumpet was suddenly blown. Immediately, the griffin came to a halt in midair, letting its flapping wings support us.

"What's happening?" I asked Aimon while getting up.
Grabbing the back of his clothes, I used him as my support for my fear of heights was still as heavy as ever.

"This is their security. Do you wish to go through them or wait?"
By this, he meant, 'Do you want me to blast through them and get to the palace quicker?'
But I wasn't here to cause any trouble than there already was. I had been summoned by Michael. Also not forgetting the tiny fact that I'd be a helper around here. So creating a positive first impression was necessary.

"No! Let's just wait. We're not here for war."

"As you wish."

In only a single minute, we were quickly surrounded by what looked like soldiers. Their armor looked rusty and worn out. And their wings felt as if they'd give up any second.
A string tugged in my chest, leaving behind a disappointed feeling. Had Hades abandoned his duties and his subjects to this extent? There was such a glaring difference between what I had seen in the heavens and what I was looking at in the underworld. From the air around me to the beings occupying each realm.

If I was being truthful, earth looked much more habitable and alive than hell.

One soldier came forward, holding his sharp sword at us. "Who dares trespass the holy city?" He asked coldly.

"I am but the Supreme god's butler," Aimon answered gracefully.
His words sent confusion among the soldiers. They exchanged glances and whispers.

"What business do you have here? I'll advise you to turn back and leave at once or we will show no mercy. The city is closed. No visitors are allowed."

"Kae Melanie, how do you wish to proceed?" Aimon asked without turning his head to me. "We might be here for quite some time."

I pressed my lips together, searching for the right words to say. All this was still very much new to me. Especially with a fight seemingly a breath away. My words mattered and would decide what would follow.
"I'm here to help your ruler, Hades."

My statement was received with hisses of terror as the rest of the soldiers inched closer, their swords threatening to slice us up like cheese.

"How dare an outsider say the name of our liege so lightly? That is a capital offense punishable by-"

Aimon raised his palm and a golden surge of energy blasted from it. The powerful wave traveled all around us, quickly sending the poor soldiers rolling in the air, their weapons falling below us. Grunts and curses came as they tried to stabilize their wings to hold them up.

"What was that for?" I asked meekly. How was I going to impress them with the way Aimon had just acted?

"Don't stop us, savages. We're here on official duty. You should be grateful that the Supreme god grants you this favor." Was all Aimon said before the griffin resumed flying towards the palace.

The trumpet was blown again while we flew above the city. More armed soldiers filled the space around us, keeping us away from the palace ahead.
This was not going according to how I had envisioned our entrance. And why was no one giving us a chance to hear our proper explanation?
Did they only want to fight us?

But then again, from what I had heard, hell was in its chaotic times. Everyone doubted and betrayed the other.
Who would help me without the need for violence?
I closed my eyes and tried calling out to Michael, hoping that whatever telepathic channel he had used would work.

'Michael? Can you hear me?'
'Sage! Mage!' Something about those names made me feel at ease.

"Surrender!" An order boomed from their leader. "Surrender and leave!"

"I'm growing quite impatient with all-"

"Don't!" I squeaked grabbing onto his arm, restricting him from attacking them again. "I told you I don't want to fight them."

"Gah!" Aimon lowly groaned whipping his head further to the side as if avoiding me. "You can let go. I won't do anything if they don't attack us."

"Thank you." I breathed releasing his arm.

I looked around, and even beneath us. The soldiers were on edge, but the civilians down there looked terrified. As if being invaded would cost them more than they could offer. I could see their fear even with the distance between us.
Having read Earth's history about the major wars that had taken place decades ago, I couldn't help but sympathize with these foreign beings who must have been scared of a fight breaking out right above them.

"We mean no harm. But if you insist on stopping us, then you leave me no choice."
It was for the best and was the only solution I could come up with without harming them. I could fix my image later on.

From my chest, my purple orbs began flowing out like a river of glowing globules.
Gasps from the beings down there reminded me to restrain my powers or I'd bring about an exaggerated outcome.

"What are these?" One of the soldiers asked as the orbs flowed towards them.

"Put up a barrier!" Cried their leader as he shoved the tip of his sword up. From it, a colorless yet visible dome began spreading. His comrades followed suit, hoping to keep my orbs from 'reaching' them.
I grew uncertain whether I'd get through, and was taken aback when the little purple balls passed through the full barrier like it wasn't even there. "Retre-" he shouted but was frozen in place as the first orb made contact with his body.

The more I used my power, the more I grew confident in myself. Which was why I could comfortably immobilize this group of twenty-something soldiers without breaking a sweat. That, plus the raw energy all around me.

"What have you done?" The leader questioned amidst the groans of the soldiers struggling to free themselves.

"You'll stay like this until I feel like letting you go."

"This is a cri-"

"Aimon, may we go now?"

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