chapter four🃏

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Lost. That's all what I feel right now. Wandering in this desert looking for what I Want. Walking through the sand that radiant heat as inferno. Looking around all I could see is Just sand and cactus. Everywhere. Not a single proof of human living not like I care or searching for another filthy human.

They are pathetic anyway. So driven by greed. Would literally do anything for what they want. Killing the people they once claimed to love. Their eyes are blinded by need.

As I kept walking I saw a desert Strom. Sand all around forming a tornado. I smiled. Yes, I did it. I finally found it. The thing I have been wandering around for almost a century now. I finally found it.

Looking at the Strom, I put my robe on and Start chanting.

"O antecessores mei harenae et deserti. Hodie vos advoco ut hic veniatis et mihi adiutorium praebetis ut per hoc inevitabilem transeam. Vos evoco ut robur mihi praebetis ut procellam sustineam et incolumis et innoxius pergam." :- there was a ringing in my ears as I chant. Once I was done with my chanting I start walking through the Strom and reached the end all alive and unharmed.

(Ohh my ancestors of sand and desert. Today i am calling you to help me go through this tornado of sand. I am summoning you to come here right now and help me to withstand the Strom and go through it all alive and unharmed.)

Now one problem is over and it's time for others. Bigger and more dangerous and I have to fight them by my own. The ancestors would not help me everywhere. I have to proof that I am worthy for her. Once I got a hold on her, I can get my revenge. I will 'HER' suffer. More worse than what she made me go through.

With that thought in my mind I walked farther. As I kept walking I came across the second challenge. It was the cave one wrong step could cost me my life as nothing works here. The place have its own rules.

As I stand here, in front of the entrance of the cave. Now I should proceed to open the cave. I looked around to find something and after searching for 20 min I found it. The big circle stone with ancient symbols carved on it covering with sand.

I walked closer to it to inspect it more carefully. It was a puzzle. The symbols were so ancient. There name was written on the upper layer of the stone and I have to move every symbol correctly so they would be in front of it's name.

One thing I know for sure, one wrong guess and I can die here but thanks to someone I have do some knowledge about the ancient symbols.

First one was symbol of protection.
Symbol of courage.
Symbol of wisdom.
Symbol of freedom.
Symbol of insanity.
Symbol of knowledge.
Symbol of protection.
Symbol of rebirth.
Symbol of devotion.
Symbol of chaos.

Now there were only 3 left. Symbol of life, symbol of darkness and symbol of death. What it could be? I am so confused right now. I took a deep breath and looked at the symbols. I moved the symbol of darkness and thankfully it was a right guess. Now I am left with life and death. I was trying to thunk hard and then something clicked my mind. The guard of deaths. They had a symbol carved on them. I looked at the two symbol infront of me. Trying to make out which one I saw. 'The death is close and life is spread' is what the guards of death have said. One of the symbol have three lines spreading going the three ways and the other symbol is closed. Now I understood what they meant by 'the death is close and life is spread'. It was a reference to the symbols.

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