chapter ten♦️

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It have been two centuries since I last saw her, heard her sweet melodious voice, touched her smooth skin, held her in my arms and felt peace. As soon as hecates told me about my queen's reincarnation, I became so happy. I smiles. After whole 2 centuries I smiled that too b'cuz of my queen.

After waiting for 2 centuries, living in misery, missing her every second. I have been looking for her in the whole world. It took me a year to find her. I would have found her the very day she was born but could not b'cuz of that one curse. She have been getting snatched from me b'cuz of one curse and now! in this life, I would not let anyone's spirit take her away from me.

She will be in my arms again. I can't go and see her directly as I have to make some things right first. Everyone have started to make conspiracies against her for once again but I would not let any of them succeed. They have to go through me before their demons even get to touch her shadow. If they think that they can send some filthy creatures to possess her, they are very much wrong. No one can harm her. I would not allow them. After killing Archys, Nike, Michael and that so called filthy maid who thought I would go behind my peace's back and betrayal her and break the promises, the love we had. Never! It does not matter for how long she stays aways, or the distance between us I will always wait for her in every century with all loyalty. All my love, loyalty and me is only for her. She is my salvation, My peace. I don't want anyone else touching me other then her. Neither anyone touching her that is not me.

She is mine and I am hers. That is why here I stand. In front of the principal of the academia she study in. I need to be close to her now knowing that Zues is up to something again. He would not shoot an arrow in dark if he is not planning something evil.

"Now, it's either you let me be a professor in your academia or I will wipe off your whole family in front of your eyes and will give you a slow yet painful, tortuous death in every lifetime you will re-born. The choice is yours. Choose carefully.". :- I said as I sat leaning back on the chair resting my arms spreadingly on the armrest with a sweet smile. He is shivering in fear.

I don't blame him. Any mortal would have the same reaction seeing the images of thier loved ones dead, covered in blood, screaming and begging to let go. It was just a little demo I showed him telepathically. If he didn't do as I told him then the consequences would be worse then just a little movie he had just watched. Well worse for him better for me.

He was barely saying anything and just frozed in fear and that's what annoyed me. So I just slam my hand on his table. "Did you get it or not?". :- He gulped hard in fear and nodded uttering broken words trying to say "yes".

I nodded in satisfaction and get up but before leaving I made him forget everything that happened right now because I do not want my queen to think something is wrong if he behaves different. I know her and how observing she is. She always have been the best. Calm yet deadly.

The only thing he remembers is me coming to him, showing him my qualifications and him agreeing to me joining his academia as a professor. Just today then from tomorrow on I will be able to talk to her, look her in the eyes and feel her presence close to me. I may can not touch her or hold her in my arms yet but it is alright. She is going to be in my arms anyways. She will be mine at the end of the day. For now only being able to see her from close and feeling her presence around me is enough.

The next day came and I went to the academia and to the office of the principal. He saw me and gave a smile forwarding his hand for me to shake. "It's a pleasure to have you in my academia, Mr. Rowan Murphy. I am delighted that you choosed to teach my students. Come on, I will show you the way to your first class.". :- He do not remember anything that is why he is behaving so normal instead of shivering in fear.

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