I look down at Lyza as she settles into sleep, smiling as she curls into me, resting her hand on my chest. I shiver slightly as the wind picks up. During the day we are easily hitting over 100 degree weather, then at night we are dropping down to below 50. It probably doesn't help that I'm shirtless right now, but I've shredded all the shirts I've found. A consequence of using my wings more and more often, especially when we are ambushed. I don't have time to take the shirt off, so I destroy it in unfurling my wings. We keep the shreds as bandages, so I guess that's a plus. I shake my head and chuckle. Despite our situation, I think we have it better than most. I mean, here i am, complaining about not having a shirt.. because of wings. Wings! I doubt anyone else has them, and even if they did, I doubt they have the training I supposedly had. I think back to all the fights I've been in, and notice that I'm fighting better than most martial artists. I don't remember getting anymore than the basics from Patrick, yet, if these dream vision things are telling the truth, then I've had better training than anyone else who has been on this earth.
I'm startled out of my revelry when I sense movement to my left, thanks to the ambushes, my senses have been heightened. At the moment, I don't see anything, I peer into the trees, trying to will the the darkness away. Nothing. Satisfied that it was probably the wind, I relax a little and turn to look the other direction and come nose to nose with a wolf. I freeze, having met the bright blue eyes, seeing the intelligence and power in them, and hoping against hope that it wasn't hungry. It growls deep in it's throat, and, before I could register what was happening, I growled back. Not a challenge... no.... It was almost a greeting.. a greeting between old friends. It seems to grin, growling a laugh, then pads around and lies against our backs, blocking the wind and keeping us warm. I hesitantly set my hand on it's head , scratching it behind it's ears. I look over my shoulders at it, he was jet black except a pure white spot on his chest. He is also easily 4 feet long, for he curled around both Lyza and I. Leaning against him, I doze off.
I'm sprinting through the trees, looking for a place to hide. I had found out what their plan was and I had found out where Leiza was going to be. I needed to join her. Problem being, Fallaqueal had guessed I had found out what was going on and was hot on my tail. I find a cave and dive into it, sensing my pursuers race past. I scoot to the back, needing rest. I must have dozed off because when I open my eyes again, I'm looking directly into Bright blue eyes, Intelligent, powerful. It growls, and i'm somehow able to understand, "Reakel, I have been sent by The Holy Judge." That's when I register, this is one of the Guardian creatures that The Holy Judge placed down here to specifically help fallen angels to come back it they so choose.
I nod my understanding
"Extend your hand!" He growls, commanding. I comply and wince as he bites into my hand "Now I will always know where you are, My name is Mikael" He growls. I blink in surprise , The Holy Judge sent the strongest to me? Mikael is a legend because he fought next to Michael the Archangel himself in the war before the world was created
"I'm Honored, Mikael." I duck my head to show respect
"You will have to wait before you join Leiza until she has grown, I will aide you in protecting her but you are my first priority, her's will come later...."
*end dream*
I wake as the wolf shifts, I look up and see the sky start to lighten. I gently shake Lyza, then press a gentle finger against her lips, gesturing to the wolf that was currently lying behind us. she looks at me, fear in her eyes. I smile softly then set my hand gently on the wolfs head. she calms down slightly but still looks tense. I stand and help her to as well. The wolf stands, stretches and yawns, then stands next to my side. again, I sense movement and I turn to see a pure white wolf. I crouch down to grab a rock, just in case, but the black wolf steps lightly on my hand and growls softly. That's when a piece clicks. "Lyza, Just extend your hand" I say softly. She nods and does so, visibly shaking. The white wolf sniff her hand then gently takes her hand in it's mouth. I hear her bite back a yelp as she registers the pain. The wolf then lets go and pulls away, circling her before sitting beside her. I stand up and take a closer look at the White wolf, noticing that she was the exact opposite of the black one, with brown eyes and a black spot on her chest. I look down at my hand, noticing the scars on my hand that look exactly like a bite mark. That's when the rest of the dream clicks into place. We now both have Guardian wolves that have imprinted with us. i look down and gently rest my hand on Mikaels head, "Thank you, Mikael.' He nudges me in acknowledgement. I look up at Lyza, "What is her name?"
She turns to me with a look of wonder. "Ismae, She says she was the Guardian to the Mother of all." My eye's go wide, why do we have the most powerful guardians?