At first i couldn't move, it wasn't registering in my mind that she was dead. I was staring at her trying to make sense of the arm in the fish tank, a leg in my lap, and Ashlyn.... Ashlyns blood pouring out of her like a four way waterfall. She had a look of absolute terror on her face. Patrick bursts in, quickly followed by the others. They look in horror at the scene in front of them, take in me covered in blood sitting on my cot, staring at her with unblinking eyes, completely frozen. Slowly I realize what exactly happened and I start to panic.
I stand up shakily, the leg falls off my lap and landed on the floor. I walk in a daze toward the door, everyone just steps out of my way still looking at the gruesome scene. I make my way to the spare bedroom to look for some spare cloths. I find some old cloths that might fit me and head to the bathroom, working completely on autopilot. I still havent completely realized the gravity of what happened.
As i enter the bathroom i get a glance in the mirror, i look like myself, besides the blood spattered across my entire body. I go to the sink and turn on the warm water. I stick my hands in and watched the blood turn the water pink as it went down the drain. Trying not to think of what happened to ashlyn i turn my thoughts to the nightmare.
Chris had wings? That had made no sense to me, i mean it was a dream but... Ashlyn... why would he have tattered black wings? And why did he refer to me as Reakel? These question and more burned through my mind. I looked down and realized i needed a shower.... juzt changing wouldnt cut it. I take off my shirt and throw it into the trash. I look at myself in the mirror, i knew i was unusually toned for someone my size and non exersizest or whatever you call it but that didnt mean anything .. right? With the blood staining my chest i turn on the shower.
After spending a half hour in the shower, scrubbing the blood off and then the skin cause i kept envisioning the blood still on me i step out. I put on the pants and tightened a belt. The shirt was too small so i stepped out to go find patrick. I walk downstairs and towrd patrick room when i hear my name
I turn and see Ismiralooking at me with a mixture of concern and fear
"Yeah?" I answer
"What are the slits running down your shoulder blades?"
"You have slits, on the inside of your shoulder blades, almost like you should have wings."