I started to pick my way out of town, i look around at the town that used to be my home. Everything was demolished, I look down and see i'm standing in Izzy's living room. Thats when it all hit me, "Oh SHIZNITS!" I crouch down and grab my knees, feeling the tears and the pain from yesterday, and Izzy... oh Izzy... I stay like that for i don't know how long, but when i look up the suns already high in the sky. I regain my composure and stand up, wiping my eyes from the hours of crying. Tears will not bring them back, and theres nothing I can do, I start walking again towards the city, hoping to find shelter before nightfall.
As I trudge across the desert the past twenty four hours run through my mind; Who? Why? Where? These questions chase each other around my mind, as well as how I'm going to survive. I stumble and fall, just realizing the power of the sun as i try and wet my lips and find out my mouth is dry as well. I close my eyes for a second to try and block out the sunlight for a minute and fall into a deep dreamless sleep.
(A/N) Sorry this update is short but i've been overbooked with work and what not... i just got my wisdom teeth taken out so i should be updating a couple more times within the next couple days.... I was also thinking about writing a different story since this one i've kinda lost the drive and ideas for, i was thinking either a nightmarish realm or a romantics tale....
you tell me what you want, either one of the new ideas and/or new ideas for this story, comment and rate please!