It started as a usual day at school; get there as early as you could so you could talk, dreading the starting bell, mad dash to finish homework, Ect. But today was going to have a turn for the worst. Someone, completely dressed in black, ski mask and everything, carrying a millitary style AK-47 walks into the Cafeteria and opens fire. I threw myself in front of Ismira, Her sister Laura, and Ashlyn. Bullets staffed the area i felt some entering my body, making it seem like the fires of hell were burning inside of me. Laura cried out, abullet, after passing through my arm, had struck her in the chest. Finally the bullets ceased to make noise, I turned, pain shooting through every fiber of my body, to see what was happening. I saw the guy had shoot himself in the head, cumpled with a very large pool of blood around him. I turned back to Ismira, Ashlyn, and Laura. Laura wasnt moving, Ismira had a bullet wound on her arm and Ashlyn was fine. Ismira and I knelt next to Laura , her breathing shallow, and ragged, i shook her, urging her to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open, she tried to focus on us, tried to say something, but, with one final ragged breath, she died in our arms. I was shaking her, willing her to wake up, hoping against hope that she wasnt really gone. Finally, Ismira fell into me, crying. I could hear sirens but they were distant, suddenly everything went blurry and i could not think straight. Ismira pulling away and seeing that the pool of blood i was sitting in wasn't all laura's looked at me in horror. she tried to talk to me but i could not understand what she was saying. Then I saw some strange person in a fire suit and helmet and then sweet unpainful bliss of unconsciousness welcomed me into her grasp.
**End Nightmare**