The Rude Awakening is Worse than a Hangover

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I woke with a start and tried to stand, only to be unable to push myself up. i looked behind me and saw Izzy laying on top of me with a gash on her head. as i looked closer i noticed her skull was cracked open and all the blood. i slide out from underneath her and check for a pulse and find her without one. i sigh and take in my surroundings. Im in a rectangular concrete…. box? i see what looks like a steel door and make my way over to it and try to push it open, which doesn't work i then try to pull it open with all my weight put into it. that was a bad idea, the door flies open and i'm sent tumbling backwards. i groan as i hit the floor. God i'm such a blonde! they should have put a sign that said pull not push. just my luck there wasn't one. i stood back up and made my way outside, shielding my eyes from the sun as it attacked my retinas. i looked around and everything was flattened. the club i was at wasn't even there. if you hadn't of known the town you wouldn't have known it even existed. 

i check my pocket for my phone and find it broken so I toss it to the ground and make my way to the edge of the town, only stopping at the only building still standing which ironically was the mall, and got a new change of clothes because I sure wasn't going to wear these sticky clothes for who knows how long? I walked in like i owned the place and walked around for a while until i came to a store that had a bikers jacket in the window. I ran inside and grabbed it along with a tank, i walk around the store some and find some ripped skinnies and some combat boots. I grinned and changed leaving the sticky, bloody clothes on the floor in the changing room.  I smiled at my reflection and grabbed a pair of aviator sunglasses as I passed through the store and made my way north out of town and hopefully find someone who knew what was going on.


Hey Guys, THis Chapter is availiable only because of 99cavegirl.... so you should should head on over and give her stories a read, you have the fantasy of the life of werewolf roalty in "The Princess of Wolves" or the nail biting horror nightmares with a twist of a forbidden romance in "The Hell of Dreams" and, coming soon, ROMANTICS HEED THIS ONE, the loving tale of soulmates in "Soul Necklaces" go on over and give them a read... its recommended by me so you know its good ;P 

peace out and comment... im running out of ideas


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