I had just finished beating the guy who had so kindly touched my butt to a pulp when i saw an old friend in the corner of the club. I had finally gotten a night away from that idiot i called my boyfriend and a chance to use my new fake id. I made my way through the crowd and saw one of my best friends that I haven't seen in forever because of the deadbeat back home. I walked over to her with a smile “Hey Izzy!” she turned around when she heard my voice and grinned, “Hey Lyza! How’d you get out?” I looked down sheepishly, “Got him drunk then slipped some sleeping pills in one of his beers” She looked at me shocked, “YOU DID WHAT!?! Lyza you should know better! You know how he is when he’s angry! Let alone drunk!”
I flinch away slightly out of reflex, “I didn't get him so much drunk as a, ‘heres a beer for you honey i know you've had a long hard day at work, and i've already opened it as well for you’ i added like ten sleeping pills and waited for them to kick in before I left.” as i looked back at Lyza’s face i saw her mouth was hanging open with shock and what i thought was a look of amusement? “Lyza!” she said before laughing, “I can't believe you! I knew you were evil and desperate for a night out with friends, but that desperate? Wow.” She then pulled me into a bone crushing hug and whispered, “God I’ve missed you.”
I hugged her back just as tightly, “Of course I’m desperate! I haven't been able to go see any of my friends let alone text them! Hes too controlling! So I snuck out and I have to be back by morning or the next 48 hours, but I still have time at least.” She pulls back grinning like crazy, “Well then, lets try out these fake IDs.” After that, my world went downhill.
I guess I should tell you who I am before I take you on this long roller coaster ride that is about to become my life. I am Lyza, a five foot two girl, with a little more than chin length hair. nothing to look at, nothing big that catches the attention of anyone. Most of the time I wander without being noticed, which is just fine with me.
Anyway Izzy and I started into the club and partied like there was no tomorrow. I didn’t drink any of the alcohol, seen its effects way too personally but I danced until the club closed. By that time most of the guys were so drunk they couldn’t crawl straight to hell if they had to. I laugh and point this out to Izzy, and that's when the screams started. the ground started to shake so initially I thought it was an earthquake. the I went outside and saw the explosion ripping through the town. I panicked, pulling Izzy along with me, as I ran to find shelter. Finally i see an old storm shelter, and thought that it would be better than nothing, I yank Izzy with me as i dive in, the force of another explosion slamming the door closed. I locked it and carefully picked my way to the back. “Izzy?” Another explosion rips through shaking the shelter. i trip over something and land in something warm, wet, and sticky. when I chance tasting it, i spit it out immediately, the taste of iron extremely strong. another explosion hits and I feel something hard hit the back of my head, just before blacking out.