I Look at her in amazement. "You can see them? No one else ever could, everyone thought i was insane when i said it so..... so i kept quiet about them. I don't know why i have them." I say. "Can I......." Ismira trails off. I turn my back and nod. She walks up and traces them, almost hesitantly, but when she touches the bottom of both of them, im hit with....
Im hovering over a burning city, laughing maniacally. Tucking in my wings i dive shattering a burning wall onto some screaming children, enjoying the crunch of bones shattering. Lavashing the smell of burning flesh and laughing at the absolute terror. I turn to watch falaqueal(fall-a-quee-all) set the church on fire, the final piece to our terrifying masterpiece as the magnificant white steeple burns red to black.
**end flashback**
As soon as it ends i collapse to the ground struggling to breathe, Ismira looking at me in confusion. "Did you... did you see.....?" I gasp. "Did i see what?" I shake my head, she'd be running in terror. I shakily stand up and walk over to the wall, then, using the wall as support, walk to my room and collapse onto the bed, exhausted. Ismira follows until i fall into bed then closes my door and walks away. I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.
I wake again to screaming.