Escape from Naboo

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Tarya's P.O.V:

I was finally done taking down most of the droid army, as Lapis and I were now flying to the kingdom.

I could sense my sister, Obi-wan and Master Qui-Gon now. Then QT started beeping what I sensed was affirmative, they are now with them and the Queen hurrying to the hangar.

"I read you, bud. I'm on my way." I say, as I fly Lapis to their destination. My sister should be coming at any moment to lend them a hand.

You see, She's now a Jedi Master, and has showed the Jedi counsel the truth that connections with a good purpose are a good thing and gives strength and hope instead of having no emotion at all.

She and I are living proof of that, As I am her little sister and Padawan, and she's taught me much about what the Force is like.

And somehow, Though my and sister's Queues didn't connect to any other animals that are and are not of Pandora, We can somehow connect with them along plant life. As we use the Force, our Queues glow brightly and in our braids along our markings and speckles.

It's like, Our great mother, Eywa, and the Force working together as one, in us, stronger than most of the Jedi.

Though we deny being all powerful, We accept being and living as one with the force, with Eywa, and with the Jedi, showing them they can be seen as themselves even as Jedi, Show them it's their choice to control their purpose as Jedi. Show that it's okay to feel, Show that we can control our own balance of light and darkness.

It's what we choose to do with it is the question of purpose.

Master Mace Windu along most of the council never thought of it like that before, It brought new horizons, a good feeling to bring in a mix of light and dark in coexistence like it's suppose to for the balance to stay in harmony.

We made it to the main hangar, Then noticed some battle droids with a group of pilots captive. I had to think fast and save those people, launching barrages of arrows at the droids.

The remaining ones notices us, and try to fire at us, but their aim is terrible. Making it easy for Lapis and I to tear them apart, Lapis with her predatory instincts to rip them to pieces, While I do the same with my dagger.

Then I noticed Master Qui-Gon, Obi-wan, my sister & QT, The queen and her servants were coming. "Go!" I called to the now freed pilots pointing at a ship that's big enough for them and Master Qui-Gon's group to escape. And they listened while most go to other smaller ships to take off. While I join my sister and the others. As we continue fighting more droids.

QT beeped, rolling towards me happily. "I agree with QT, That was quite a wild yet surprising attack, Little sister. Father would be proud." Sanaya agrees, smiling at me while deflecting back blaster fries at the droids.

"Though, You might need to keep your dear Banshee from hitting any of the ships by accident. Like that one." Obi-wan says pointing at one of the fighters.

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