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Tarya's P.O.V:

"This sun doen murder to mesa skin." I heard Jar Jar say as he walked along side Qui-Gon, Me, My sister, QT and R2 trailing behind them. "Actually, Jar Jar. Tatooine has two suns, yet has three moons." I stated, pointing at the suns.

"But don't worry, My friend. We'll find you some ointment to relieve any sun burns or block the suns' rays." Sanaya reassures him.

"Wait!" The captain called, having us stop and look to see him and Padmé coming, "Wait." He repeated, as they now stop in front of us. "Her highness commands you to take one of her handmaidens with you." He reports.

"No more commands from her Highness today, Captain." Qui-Gon replied dryly. "The spaceport is not going to be pleasant."

"Qui-gon, Please. It's their first time being away from their home planet. It's only right if we help her majesty and her faithful servants learn what the cosmos outside their home planet is like." Sanaya insists, and I nod in agreement.

"This is not a good idea." He says, However he sighs in defeat, Knowing we won't take 'No' for an answer, "But stay close to us." He says, looking at Padmé. As we're now on our way.


"Moisture farms for the most part." Qui-Gon said as we all walked into the town. I glanced around, it was so different from home. "Some indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like this one are havens for those that don't wish to be found."

"Like us." Padmé said as she walks next to me. "Dissen berry berry bad." Jar Jar said as we all continued to follow Qui-Gon. "Don't worry, Jar Jar. We'll get through this in a jiffy." I assured my Gungan friend.

We all found the shopping market part of the spaceport. I looked around when I felt a pull to a particular shop. Qui-Gon and my sister noticed my gaze at the shop. "We'll try one of the smaller dealers." Qui-gon said to us, as he headed to the shop that caught my eye.

Though I couldn't help but overhear most of the citizens talking about me and Sanaya, Never seeing a Na'vi before.


A Toydarian greeted us all as we walked into the shop. He was speaking a language I did not know. The pulling feeling intensified as I walked into the shop.

"Sister, What is it?" Sanaya whispered, noticing my behavior. I only nodded with smile, reassuring her I'm okay.

"I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian." Qui-Gon said as I looked around at all of the various parts around the shop. "Ah, yes!! Nubian. We have lots of that." the Toydarian replied before turning around and shouting for someone in the other language.

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