Chapter One

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Chapter One

My phone rings. I pause Supernatural and pick it up.

"Hello?" I say into the speaker.

"Hello, is this Isabelle Lewis?" A woman's voice asks.

"Yes," I reply "Can I help you?"

"I'm Theresa Williams," She says brisquely "I'm your agent. Supernatural got your application and want you to come out. They'll need to see you in person but they really think you're perfect for the part. We'll need you to come to set on Thursday at 12 noon."

"Of course," I nod "I'll be there."

"Your flight is for Tuesday morning," Theresa tells me "We want to give you some time to settle in. One of our drivers will collect you at the airport and escort you to your hotel. I'll email you the flight details. You can bring one person."

"Thank you," I smile "I'll see you Thursday."

She hangs up and I squeal. I call Rose, my best friend, and tell her.

"Oh my gosh," She says excitedly "I can't believe it."

"Me neither," I smile "And there's something else?"


"You're coming with me," I sing.

She squeals and I drop the phone at the noise.

"Calm down," I laugh.

"Sorry," She replies happily "We only have a while to get ready though."

"What do you mean?" I frown "It's only Saturday. We have until Tuesday to be ready."

She sighs "I know, I know. I'll stay in your's on Monday night, yeah?"

"Cool," I nod.


Rose knocks on the door. I open it and she wheels her large suitcases in after her.

"I'm so excited," She squeals.

I smile "I can't wait."

"Have you finished packing?" Rose asks.

"Of course," I sit down on the sofa.

"Good," She sits beside me.


The next morning I get dressed in my white Supernatural mugshots vest and black skinny jeans. I pull on my boots and grab my leather jacket. Rose comes out of the bathroom looking gorgeous, as usual. Her long light brown hair is in loose curls and has a small braid on either side pinning it out of her face. She has pale pink lip gloss on. She's wearing pink skinny jeans, a tight white vest, a beige cardigan and white Converse. It may not sound the nicest on paper but with her features it looks stunning. 

"Do you want me to do your hair?" She asks sweetly.

"I'm okay," I smile. I pull my hair into a braid going down my back.

She pulls a face "I would've done something fancier."

"You can do my hair on when it isn't something very important," I laugh and grab my suitcases. We go downstairs and get into the cab that's waiting for us.

We sit on the plane. I sit on the window seat. Rose hums slightly as we wait for take off. 

"I can't wait to get there," She squeals.

"Me neither," I grin at her excitement.

"We should go on a tour," She suggests.

"Of the set? Or of Vancouver?" I ask.

"Both!" Rose exclaims.

"Okay, we can do both," I smile.

"Isabelle," Rose shakes me gently "Wake up. We're here."

"I'm awake," I shake off her arm.

"We're here," She sings.

We get off the plane and head to baggage claim. We grab our bags and I see a man holding a sign saying 'Isabelle Lewis'. I point it out to Rose and we walk over.

"I'm Isabelle Lewis," I offer the man my hand.

He shakes it "I'm Richard. I shall be escorting you to your hotel."

I grin and we follow Richard to the car. He opens the back seat door and Rose and I slide in.

"Took you long enough," says a female voice from the front seat.

"Sorry," I say in return.

"It's fine," She laughs "So Isabelle, as you can probably guess I'm Theresa. Who's your friend?"

"I'm Rose," Rose says happily.

"Nice to meet you. What are you wearing on Thursday, Isabelle?" Theresa asks.

"Skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Is there a dress requirement?" I ask with a frown.

"No," She replies as Richard starts driving "You'l be getting into your costume there so it doesn't really matter. But first impressions count. You never get a second chance at a first impression and all that. Don't screw it up."

"I won't," I laugh.

"Good," She flips her long hair back "This is a good gig."

"I know," I smile.

When we reach our hotel Theresa walks to reception with us and Rose checks us in. 

"Richard will come by on Thursday at ten to pick you up and bring you to set. You have to be ready for filming at twelve. It starts at twelve thirty," Theresa explains "We'll get there around ten forty five. You'll have some time to get to know everyone then makeup, dressing, going through your lines once more before filming starts."

"Okay," I nod "I'll be ready before ten."

"Good," She nods "I won't be there and your friend Rose isn't allowed come. I'll hang around with her for the day if you want. Oh and," She pulls a large envelope from her bag and hands it to me "This is your script. Highlighted lines are yours. Have it learnt by heart by Thursday. If I don't see you before then, good luck." Then she leaves.

"Here you go," Rose hands me a key card and we head to the room. I tell her the plan in the elevator. She seems to like the idea of hanging out with Theresa. 

The room is incredible. There are two large bedrooms each one with a large double bed, tv and ensuite, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and a balcony. Of course Theresa booked us the penthouse suite. I put my suitcases in one of the rooms and flop on the bed. In two days I'll be filming an episode of 'Supernatural'. It doesn't seem very realistic.

"Isabelle," Rose pulls my arm and pulls me off the bed "I'm hungry. It's 3pm. I haven't eaten since breakfast. Well I did have a muffin on the plane but that doesn't count. That wasn't food. It was just a snack. I'm hungry. Let's go get lunch."

"Where?" I ask. 

"We'll decide when we get there," She shrugs.

Jared Padelecki   Love Like This Won't LastWhere stories live. Discover now