Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

 Isabelle POV 

Jensen drives us to a small diner. In the car I take in everyone's appearance. None of us bothered to change. We're all wearing torn clothes with fake blood and dirt smeared all over us.
"God, I love it here," Jensen grins and practically runs in.
"Oh I'm hungry," Misha follows Jensen in.
Jared opens the door for me "Ladies first."
I smile and walk in. We walk over to Misha and Jensen's table and sit down. I grab a menu and read through it.
 A waitress walks over. She gives us a strange look but asks "Are you ready to order?"
"Yes," Jensen nods "I will have the bacon and egg cheeze pleeze burger with extra bacon and fries, please. And could I have a large coke with that?" He smiles.
She writes it down in her notepad.
"Mom!" A girl squeals and rushes over to the table "This is the cast of Supernatural. And some girl. Let me take the order."
The first waitress hands the girl the jotter and walks away.
"So what are you having?" She asks.
"Misha," Jensen says.
"Could I have a cheese dog, fries and a large Coke?" Misha says politely.
"Isabelle," Jared smiles at me.

"Can I have the cheeze pleeze burger with smoked cheese, fries and an a large Coke, please?" I say to the girl.
"And Jared," The girl says "What will you have?"
"I'll have what Jensen is getting," He hands her his menu. She squeals again and runs off.We talk for a bit then our food arrives. I'm starving.
 "Oh my God," Jared laughs.
"What?" I look up at him. He hands me his napkin. It says Kaylee then it has a phone number and a lipstick mark. I look at the pretty girl standing behind the counter.
 "She gave you her number?" I try to laugh. It doesn't work.
"Yeah," He laughs "She's not really my type though."
"Of course she isn't," Jensen scoffs "She's my-"
But I'm not listening. I feel Jared's hand take mine under the table. He gently squeezes my hand then lets go and continues eating. I look down at my plate as I feel my cheeks heaten. I finish my food then sip on my drink.
"Could I have a photo before you leave?" Kaylee asks when she comes over "It would be so cool since you're in your costumes and have the blood and dirt and stuff on you."
"We'd love to," Misha smiles. They all stand up.
"I can take it if you want," I offer.
Jared pulls me up "You're part of the cast, you should be in the photo."
"She's part of the cast?" Kaylee widens her eyes.
Misha hugs me from the side "She's part of the family. She even has her own trailer."
I hug him back. We all stand with Kaylee while her mother takes the photo.She throws her arms around Jared and hugs him tightly, pushing me away. I shrink into Misha. He laughs and leads me to a chair. I sit down and hunt my wallet out of my bag. I take out money for my meal. I walk to the counter to where the others are.
 Jared touches my wrist "I paid for yours."
"What?" I frown.
"I paid for it," He repeats.
I smile "Thank you."
"It's no problem," He smiles sheepishly.I grin. We all go back to the car and drive back to the studio. 
"Guys," Jensen says as we're walking in "Lets take a photo."
I laugh and nod. Jared stands at the back and Jensen moves to put me at the front but Jared picks me up at my waist so I'm taller than him. Misha takes out his phone and pulls up the camera. Both Jensen and Misha take selfies.
"Instagram and Twitter, here we come!" Jensen exclaims.
Jared puts me down and laughs.
Robert comes over to us "We need you on set." 

All our makeup is touched up we resume filming. After we've finished, at five thirty, Jared comes up to me.
"Do you wanna come to my place later?" He asks.
"What?" I frown. Is it insane that my heart is leaping at his request?
"Jensen, Misha, a few others and I are going to my house later," He explains "It's kind of a party. A little one."
"I'd love to come," I smile "But I'd need to go home and change. And would I be allowed bring my friend Rose? I couldn't go without her."
"Of course," He grins "Bring whoever you want."

"I need to go to my trailer to get out of this," I gesture to my costume "And I'll have to shower when I get back to the hotel so I won't be able to get there for a while. And I'll have to get Richard to take me. Or I can call a cab."
"I can collect you both," He offers as we walk to my trailer "And I need to go home for a bit before collecting you. And I can drop you to your hotel."
I stop at my trailer and walk up at the steps. I stand on the edge of the door."I'll be out in a minute. I just need to change," I smile and walk in. I grab my clothes and pull off my costume.
As soon as I'm dressed I go back outside. Where Jared is no where to be seen.I look around and see Misha walking out of his trailer.
"Isabelle!" He walks over to me "Are you coming tonight?"
"Definetly," I grin.
 We start talking and I get to really like Misha. He's very nice and funny.
"Sorry it took so long," Jared says appearing.
I smile at Misha "I'll see you at the party."
"I look forward to it," He grins.
I walk to Jared's car and tell him where I'm staying. We listen to music as we drive.
When we get there, Jared and I head upstairs.
"What time is it?" I ask Jared in the elevator.
"Nearly seven," He answers.
"Cool," I nod.I lead him to the room and hunt around in my bag for my keycard. I open the door and walk in.
"Where were you?" Rose asks as soon as I walk in.
"Filming," I reply.
"How did you get home?" She glares at me.
"Him," I gesture to Jared.
"Richard went to collect you but you weren't there," She pulls me into a hug "We couldn't find you. I was worried sick. I've been calling you all day."
I pull out my phone "My phone's dead."
Rose sighs then notices Jared "Oh my God."
"This is Jared," I say and pull Jared's arm so he walks in the door.
"You must be Rose," Jared smiles.
"Hi," Rose says "She's a huge fan."
"Rose," I say under my breath.I look at Jared "I'll see you in an hour or so."
"See you then," He hugs me then leaves.
"I'm gonna shower," I tell Rose "Get ready, we're going to a party."
"Who's party?" She asks, walking into my room and sitting on the bed.
"Jared's," I reply. I walk to the closet and try to find something nice to wear.
"Jared?" She lies down "Not Jared Padalecki? Just Jared?"

"Just Jared," I tell her "He's my friend." I pull out my white and black 'Hey Assbutt!' dress and black ankle boots with heels.
 "You can't," Rose looks mortified.
"I can," I laugh "I'm having a shower."
I shower quickly, scrubbing off the remainder of the body paint.
When I get out I get dressed and do my makeup. I then go into Rose's room. She finishing curling the bottom of her hair. She looks gorgeous. She's wearing a black and pink dress. The top is black with a part shaped like a bow that shows off a bit of her stomach. The skirt is pale pink. She's wearing black heels with a peep toe and a little pink bow on the ankles.
"You look nice," I tell her.
"Thank you," She smiles "So do you. Your hair looks pretty."
I look at myself in the mirror. I haven't done anything with my hair except leave it to dry naturally. It looks pretty with it's natural waves. My eyeliner is thick and dark and I'm deadly looking. I actually look cool.
"I'm ready whenever you are," I tell her.
She leaves her hair out in it's curls. There's a knock on the door and Jared and Jensen are outside.
"I like your dress," Jared grins.
I smile "Thank you."
We start walking and I can hear Jensen and Rose flirting.
"Typical," I laugh.
"What?" Jared looks down at me.
"Rose is flirting with Jensen," I tell him.
"He's definetly enjoying it," Jared laughs. 

The party is actually small. I recognise a lot of people from set.
"When you said small party I thought it was an understatement," I say to Jared.
"I don't really do big parties," He tells me "That's more like something Jensen would do."
I open my mouth to say something but Misha walks over to us.
"Isabelle!" He grins "You're here!"
"Wouldn't miss it," I laugh.
"I'm glad you're here," Misha says to me "There's this girl who wants to meet you."
I smile at Jared before following Misha. I talk to his friend for a while before she introduces me to another guy. A total sleezebag.
"I'm Max," He tells me.
"Isabelle," I reply.
"Do you wanna get outta here?" Max asks.
"Not particularly," I answer before walking away. As I'm walking to the front door I run into Jensen and Rose.
"Hey," Rose grins at me.
"Hi," I return her smile."We're going now," Jensen tells me.
"Where?" I ask.
"To the hotel," Rose replies "It's closer than Jensen's place."
I grin "Have fun. And stay away from my stuff."
They leave and a few minutes later I go outside and sit down on the bench.
I close my eyes then hear someone say "Isabelle."
I look up and see Max walk over and sit on the bench beside me. He snakes his arm around me.
I try to free myself "Let me go," I say a lot weaker than I had hoped.
"Lets have a little fun," He says wickedly.Oh God.
I continue squirming "Let me go!"He leans toward me and tries to kiss me. I yell but doubt anyone can hear me. 

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