Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I wake up when Jared leaves the room. I reluctantly climb out of bed and pull on one of Jared's hoodies. I hiss as my feet hit the cold ground. Wincing, I make my way downstairs just as Jared opens the front door.
"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" I smirk.
Jared turns around and strides over, pulling me into his arms, causing me to squeal. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
"I didn't want to wake you," He mumbles.
"I'm wide awake now," I smile.
He presses his lips against mine and I tangle my fingers in his hair. My lips part and his tongue slips into my mouth. Oh Chuck why does he have to go? We continue kissing only pulling away when we need air.
I smile "You should go I guess."
"I have time," He whispers against my lips before kissing me. This kiss lasts a little longer than the one before and as much as I want to keep kissing him I know he has to go.
"You really should go," I mutter "You dont wanna be late."
"I wanna stay with you," He moans. How is he holding all my weight?
I decide to ask "How are you holding all my weight for this long?"
"Because you're tiny," He laughs "You're only like five foot one and you're as light as a feather."
I laugh "Let me down. You have to leave. My favourite TV show depends on it."
He lets me down and pecks my lips "I'll see you later, right? You're coming to see the bunker?"
"Yeah," I nod "I'll see you there," I shove him slightly "Now go."
He laughs and leaves.
I curl my toes up and walk into the sitting room. I pull the throw from the back of the sofa down and wrap it around myself. I grab the remote, turn on the tv and immediately turn on Supernatural.

After two episodes I decide to go get dressed. Annoyingly enough I have no change of clothes. I don't want to get back into my clothes from yesterday. I text Jared and ask him if I can borrow a pair of his shorts and his car. He tells me I can and then which drawer to find shorts in. I pull out a pair and after I put them on I have to pull the drawstring string exceedingly tight. I slide my feet into my boots and grab my clothes. I put my hood up and go out to the car.

When I get back to the hotel I run through the lobby to the lift. When I open the door to my room I'm not surprised to see all the curtains closed and the lights off. I suppose it is only 8:10. I frown. Why the hell is Adam on the couch? I didn't know he was staying here. If I had of I would've let him sleep in my room. I wasn't here last night so why didn't he just sleep in there anyway? I shrug it off and go into my room. I change into black frayed skinny jeans, black long sleeve chunky cable knitted long jumper and 14 inch black Timberland boots. I braid both sides of my hair then pull it into a messy ponytail. I sit down on my bed and do my makeup. I put eyeliner on the inside of my eye then draw a thick line on my eyelid and under my eye. I then put on blood red matte lipstick. Happy with my look I take out my laptop and go onto YouTube. I click onto a Dan and Phil video and put my earphones in.

Twenty minutes later Rose walks into my room.
"Hey," I pause the video.
"Morning," She smiles. She sits on the edge of my bed "When did you get here?"
I check the time before replying "Thirty minutes ago. I'm gonna have to go in a minute though. I won't be long. Only an hour or so."
"Where are you going?" She frowns.
"To see Jared before they go to do location filming," I tell her "We're supposed to be going out at seven but it was like 2 AM by the time we-"
"You're going on a date?" Rose beams.
"Yeah," I shrug "It's no big deal."
"Yes it is," She grins "You've never had a boyfriend before. This is huge."
I glare at her "It is not. And don't tell Jared that."
"Wait like five minutes while I wake Adam and get dressed," She says "I wanna come with you."
"Hurry," I say.

Rose keeps her word. After five minutes we all leave the room.
"Want me to ring a cab?" Adam asks as we wait for the elevator.
"No," I shake my head "I'm driving."
"What?" Rose frowns.
"I have Jared's car," I shrug. The elevator arrives and we get in. I press the bottom for the garage then lean back against the bar.
"Why do you have Jared's car?" Adam asks with a frown.
"This morning I asked if I could use it," I shrug "He let me so now I have it."
The elevator doors open with a soft 'ping' noise. I walk over to Jared's car and get in the front seat. Rose shouts out shoutgun before climbing in beside me. Adam rides in the back.
"So what are we doing today?" Adam asks as we drive out of the garage.
"I just wanna go to see Jared for a few minutes then we can do whatever for the rest of the day," I shrug.
"Until six," Rose corrects.
I roll my eyes "Why six? Why not six thirty?"
"I'll settle for six fifteen," She sighs.
"Twenty," I push.
"Fine," She laughs.
"What are you talking about?" Adam asks from the back.
"Something that won't happen," I laugh.

We spend the rest of the ride bantering. I park near Jared's trailer then walk over to his trailer.
"Jared," I call as I knock. As I expected he isn't there.
"I'm gonna find Jensen, and some food," Rose announces "I'll be back in a bit."
"Okay," I shrug and walk toward hair and makeup. I grin at Adam "Want a terrible tour of the best set known to man?"
He laughs "I'm sure it's not terrible."
"It would be better if we had Dmitri do it," I smile.
"Who?" He frowns.
"Misha," I laugh. Then see Misha "Misha!" I call and run toward him.
"Isabelle!" He calls back and runs towards me.
I laugh as we meet each other "Where is Padaleski?"
"I have no clue," Misha shrugs "Probably somewhere eating. You know how he is."
I nod "Yeah, he's a total pi-"
I scream as someone picks me up and shakes me around. Then I feel lips against my neck.
"Put me down!" I squeal to Jared.
"Nope," He laughs.
"JARED!" I scream "Put me down!"
"No," He laughs "This is too fun."
"Jared!" I swing my legs but he doesn't put me down.
"Are you okay?" Adam asks, appearing.
I laugh "Yeah I'm grand," I say just as Jared squeezes my hips in a tickling manner "JARED!" I screech "Stop that! I don't like tickles!" I squeal "Put me down!"
I feel a soft laugh vibrate through him as he gently places me down.
"You get off easy love," Mark says laughing "At least you don't get shook around."
I laugh and look at Jared "Are you bored again?"
He nods almost sheepishly and I laugh.
I look at Mark "I feel so bad for you."
He smiles "You warm up to him. I hope. At least that's what Jensen says. Maybe you have to know him for eleven years to finally warm up to him."
I laugh again.
"I'm gonna go get Rose," Adam says pointing to the food tent where Rose is situated.
We all talk for a bit then Jensen walks over to us.
"To what do we owe the pleasure, Isabelle?" He asks.
"I'm here with Rose," I say, smiling as his face brightens "I came to wish you well before you head to the bunker."
"You should come," Jared suggests.
"I can't," I sigh "I have loads of fanf- work to do."
"What work?" He frowns.
"Writing," I tell him "I have to write my book."
"Oh okay," He nods "You sure?"
"Yes," I nod nervously "I have to write my original book."
"We all know you write fanfiction," Misha laughs "Don't try to hide it."
"Misha!" I hiss shooting him a glare which only causes him to laugh more.

When we get back to the hotel Adam goes on a city tour. Rose then decides that if we're going to be staying here ay longer we need to get an apartment. She heads off into her room with her laptop to search for one. I, on the other hand, go into my room and start writing. I slowly get completely immersed in fanfiction.

"Isabelle!" Rose knocks on my door.
"What?" I yell back.
She opens the door "It's 6:30. Why aren't you ready?"
"I still have ages," I sigh and throw a pillow out her. She sighs and leaves.

I check the time a (what I thought was) few minutes later and notice that it's 6:52. Oh shit. I'm in my pyjamas. Oh shit. I dive towards my wardrobe and fling open the doors. I grab a black shin length dress with lace sleeves. I throw off my pyjamas and pull the dress on. I then grab my black combat boots, the ankle ones, and shove my feet into them. I grab my makeup bag and run into the bathroom. I hastily put eyeliner on my bottom eyelid then outline my eyes (on the outside) with the eyeliner. I blend black eyeliner on my eyelid then draw a line of it under my eyes. I grab a purply-pinky (more purple) lipstick and quickly smear it on. I then untie the two braids in my hair and run my fingers through it. I dart back into my room and I grab my leather jacket and my black leather bag with a skull on the middle of it. I throw my wallet, book, headphones, phone and makeup bag. I grab my black fedora and pop it on top of my head. Then I hear a knock on the door and Rose shout "I'll get it!"

Jared Padelecki   Love Like This Won't LastWhere stories live. Discover now