001 || Test run

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Who would have thought that a 22-year-old woman with a short temper and a quick tongue would sign a contract with one of the biggest teams in Formula One?


I did.

Because I have.

I always knew it was going to happen. I've been in F2 for a year now, and it's beginning to get boring. I was well on my way to winning the championship. In fact, I could come fith in every remaining race this season and still win it. But I don't care about that now. All I care about is the race I'm about to do.

My very first race.

No pressure.

Even though I had been testing the car and building a strategy for weeks with the team, I still felt nervous. I sat in my driver's room, my leg bouncing and my head spinning. Any second, they would call me. Even though I was expecting it, Sam's knock made me jump. I got up and quickly opened the door. We didn't need to say anything.

Everything was conveyed by a look and a small nod. Sam was my race engineer in Formula 2, but when I got the offer to advance to Formula 1, I asked for him to come with me. 

We walked down the hall in silence; sometimes his shoulder would brush mine comfortingly. I fiddled with the zipper of my race suit, staring at the two large bulls on my chest.

"Hey, there's going to be a lot of reporters out there waiting for you. Are you sure you don't want to take a less crowded short cut?" Sam stopped me before the door. 

I had to cross the padock to get to the garage. I glanced around the corner and through the glass doors. There were, in fact, a lot of people. I gulped.

"No. I can't avoid them all day. It'll look bad. Besides, I'm no coward. You should know this." I reassured him. He shrugged and nodded, following me out the door. 

I walked back straight, and my chin lifted. I was determined not to let anyone see the trembling in my fingers. Cameras flashed, people rushed forward, microphones were pushed to be close to me, and questions were being yelled loudly over the noise.

"Okay, everyone, back it up, please. Let her breathe." Sam came to save me. He got in front of me and waved them back a little. I didn't feel as overwhelmed anymore. 

"And one at a time please. She can't answer any questions unless she can hear them." He moved aside again.

"I need to get going, so let's get this over with." I nodded. A couple reporters burst out with more questions. At least this time I could hear them.

"Sabrina, what is your plan for the second half of this season?"

"Miss Hawke, how do you intend to compete with your teamate?"

"How do you think being a woman will affect your performance?"

"Okay, here we go. As the season is already halfway done, my plan is to win as many races as I can and bring home points for my new team. Since there is no statistical way that I can win the chapionship this year, I will have to wait until next year." I told the first reporter, who was scribbling away on a notepad.

"As for competing with Verstappen, my answer is almost the same. Since the season is well underway and he is leading the championship, I do not intend to try and compete with him. Yet. Again, next season. And as for the last question, Who asked it?" I spoke loudly so that they all heard me. A middle-aged man with a white beard and a beer gut took a nervous step forward.

"I did. Are you going to answer it?" He said this, clearly trying to make himself seem more confident than he actually was. 

I smiled at him. Not a genuine smile, but one that made him shiver. He gulped.

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