009 || Gremlin

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"Lan! Can you get it?" I called.

No reply.

In the other room, I heard the other shower. "Nevermind, I got it." I quickly wrapped my robe around me and hurried out into the living room. I opened the door just as I was tying the straps of the robe together around my front. Before I knew what was happening, I was almost knocked off my feet as someone hurled at me.

"HIII!!" She cried as Layla hugged me tightly. My heart leaped, and I hugged her back.

"Holy shit, what are you doing here?" I asked as she let go. She was beaming broadly.

"Lando invited me over. He said you needed fashion advice." I heard another voice say: Looking over Layla's shoulder, I saw a kind face and blonde hair. Ann's eyes were sparkling happily. I gasped and hugged her as well. She giggled.

"I don't. I have an incredible sense of fashion. But I'm so happy you're here." I grinned, stepping back. They came inside, and I shut the door.

"Me too. I haven't seen you in ages." Layla sighed. I nodded. Just then, Lando came out of his room to see what the noise was about. He was wearing a towel around his waist and was rubbing his hair with another. He smiled, catching sight of my friends.

"Hey Annie!" He smiled at Ann. She waved. "Gremlin." He glanced at Layla.

"Demon." She replied in the same tone.

"You guys are such children." Ann rolled her eyes.

"He is." "She is." They said in unison.

"Jinx!" Layla yelled.

"Dammit." He turned and headed back into his room. Layla smirked. I shook my head at them.

"So what's the event? Why do you require our services?"She crossed her arm, turning back to me.

"It's not an event. It's just dinner with the others." I shrugged, walking past them back into the guest bedroom. They followed closely.

"And by 'the others' you mean...?" Ann sat down on the bed.

"Just Charles, Carlos, George, Pierre, and Max." I told them. Layla's eyes widened a little as I finished the list of names.

"Wait, Max, like, Max, Max?" She asked with a small gasp. I laughed.

"You said Max way too many times in that sentance." I chuckled. "But yeah. That one."

"I wouldn't have expected you to want to see him more than absolutely necessary." Ann leaned back with a frown. I crouched down next to my suitcase to find something to wear.

"I know. But sadly, he is friends with all the others, so there's no avoiding him." I glanced up at them. Layla shook her head.

"Well, if he does anything to you, tell me, and I'll run him over." She said it firercly. It made me laugh.

"Can we please not talk about him right now?" I asked after a small pause.

"Of course." Ann smiled kindly. I returned it. I finally found the dress I was looking for. It was one of my less nice ones, but it would be fine. I got up and unfolded it. Before I could put it on, Layla lunged forward and snatched it from my fingers. "Hey!"

"Absolutley not." She threw it over her shoulder. "This is why you need us." She sighed, going back out into the living room. I glanced at Ann, confused, but she just nodded solemnly. I crossed my arms with a groan.

"Here." Layla came back carrying a bag with a piece of black material inside. She gave it to me and herded me into the bathroom to change. I didn't even have time to protest. She shut the door.

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