028 || The truth

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⚠ WARNING ⚠ - Mentions of rape, trauma, abuse


"You ready to go?" Lorenzo asked, getting up from the table.

Due to some confusion, the gala had been moved from Wednesday to Friday, so we just went on a date instead. It was quite nice. We didn't really have much to discuss, so he did most of that while I nodded along.

My mind was elsewhere. 

I was recovering some of my memories from that drunken night, and I just couldn't get them out of my head. Even though my mind didn't seem to remember, my body did. Every time I thought of Max, my skin would tingle as if he had touched me.

He did notice that I wasn't really paying attention and got a little annoyed, but I apologized before we could fight about it. He had just finished his third glass of wine when he decided it was time to go.

"Yeah, sure." I wiped the corners of my mouth quickly on my napkin before standing up.

He pulled on his jacket. I grabbed my purse and left the money on the table before walking after him. I gave an apologetic glance to the waiter as we left. 

The outside felt so cold in contrast to the cozy restaurant. I regret wearing a sleeveless dress now. He glanced at me, obviously noticing my discomfort.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"Nope. Of course not." I smiled. He raised an eyebrow.

"Right, very belivable." He rolled his eyes, coming closer to me.

For some reason, I had the instinct to take a step away from him, but he was just giving me his jacked. I took it gratefully and slung it around my shoulders.

"Now... let's get you warmed up, huh?" He smiled warmly at me. I nodded. "My apartment is two minutes from here." He pointed down the road.

I hesitated. I'd never been to his apartment. What if, even though I had told him I wanted to wait, he still thought something would happen? Was I obligated to comply after all these weeks of dating him?

"Um... Actually, I should get back... It's not a very long walk from here, and Naomi must be wondering: I stammered. He took my shoulders and gave them a reassuring rub.

"Let her wonder." He smirked, beginning to lead me away. I gave up. What was the point, right? The walk was indeed only two minutes. I wondered if that was why he chose that restaurant. I didn't want to dwell on it, nor did I have time because we had arrived.

"Welcome to my humble abode." He opened the door and went inside.

I gulped and followed him in. It was a pretty nice place. A bit messy, sure, but cozy. And warm. I let out a small sigh, glad to be out of the cold night air.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" He asked, walking over to the kitchen. I wasn't sure what to do with myself, so I just stood there.

"Maybe some water?" I called. If my mouth felt dry, I could really use some.

"Ah, come on, Bri. Live a little!" He laughed. I saw him coming back with two glasses that were definitely too brown to be water. He handed me one, and I took it nervously.

"To us." He raised his glass slightly. I smiled. He was right; I just needed to loosen up a little. I couldn't keep avoiding this forever; it was bound to happen someday, so why not today?

"To us." I clinked my glass against his. He smirked. I downed the whole glass in one gulp. He looked both surprised and impressed. I immediately felt the buzz.

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