034 || How it ends

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"You okay?" Layla's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up. I realized I had stopped walking. We are at the entrance of the club now.

How did we get here?

"Yeah, I'm good." I smiled at her. She nodded, still a little suspicious but letting it go. I linked my arm with hers as we walked inside. The loud music enveloped us. The club was packed full.

"I'm getting a drink." She told me, almost having to yell over the loud music. I nodded.

"I'll meet you there. I just have to find Lando." I yelled back. She gave me a thumbs up and disappeared into the crowd.

Lando was not very hard to find. I spotted him getting thrown in the air by a group of his friends. I smiled and weaved my way through the crown to them. As soon as he caught sight of me, he got down.

"Heyyy! Clemmiee!" He slurred, giving me a hug and leaning almost all his body weight on me. I was almost winded and pushed him back to his feet. He laughed.

"Got a headstart, huh?" I crossed my arms.

"I'll make it up to you. Drink?" He smirked.

"I'll take five." I nodded. He slung an arm around my shoulders.

"That's mah, girl!" He yelled way too loudly. I supported him as we headed over to the bar. Layla clearly didn't mind that I was drinking with someone else because she was flirting with a random guy already.

The next thing I remember, I was dancing to DJ Lando with a random guy of my own. My vision was blurry, so I couldn't really see his face very clearly, but I didn't care. Maybe it was a good thing.

As we danced, he began to get a little touchy. Grabbing my hips from behind and pressing himself against me I didn't care. It was nice to dance with someone I didn't know at all. I smirked as I felt his lips against my neck. I decided to play along and grided my hips against him, making him groan.

After a while, I got bored. Sure, I felt my skin tingle, but after a while, it got a bit old. The guys didn't seem to find it boring, though. He complained when I pulled away from him.

Maybe if I was more drunk...

"Do you want a drink?" I asked loudly over the music.

"Uuh... sure." He shrugged. I nodded and indicated that he should wait here for me before turning and making my way through the crowd to the bar. They were pretty busy, so even after I ordered, it still took a while.

"Oh, hi!" I looked over to see Lily sitting on the stool next to me.

"Hiiii!" I slurred. She grinned.

"You seem like you're having fun." She laughed. I smiled, sitting down on a stool as well.

"Yup. The best part of being an F1 driver I laughed, wobbling a little on my stool. She grabbed my arm to steady me. "Can I ask you something?" I began.

"Of course! What's up?" She said it warmly. I fiddled with the hem of my dress.

"How do you know Max?" I asked after a beat.

"Oh, he's my brother." She replied with a smile, glancing past me. I turned my head to see Max not far off, talking with some of his friends. He glanced over at us, his eyes narrowing.

"Ooooooh..." I turned back to Lily. She nodded.

"Well, technically half-brother. Same dad." She explained. "It's omplicated. But yeah, he's my brother." She smiled. I nodded. "Why did you want to know?"

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