005 || Tis I

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Sunlight streamed through the curtains of my bedroom and onto my face. The warm sensation is extremely pleasurable to my senses. I blinked open my eyes sleepily, squinting against the bright rays of light. My window was wide open, allowing a gentle breeze to stir my curtains. I looked around, confused. The last thing I remembered was closing my eyes as I lay on the couch. Lando must have carried me to bed last night when I fell asleep. I sat up and looked at the time.


Not as bad as I had expected, but still not good. I forced myself to throw aside my warm blankets and get up. I heard some noise in the kitchen. I frowned. I feared that maybe Benji was trying to cook something. I opened the door and hurried to the kitchen, still in my pajamas.

"That's just insane. Captain America would destroy Iron Man in a one-on-one!" Lando was saying. He and Benji were sitting at the table, eating cereal. They were both too immersed in their conversation to notice me.

"In your dreams! Iron Man would just shoot him!" Benji rolled his eyes.

"He would use his shield." Lando retorted.

"His shield is the size of a dinner plate. He would just shoot his legs." Benji made a shooting noise. I smiled to myself and went back into my room. I got dressed and put on some light makeup. Just because I was going to be in the car most of the day didn't mean I couldn't look good.

I went back out to find the two children wrestling on the floor. Benji made the sound effects of him shooting Lando.

"Haha! You're dead!" He rolled over, so he was sitting on Lando's chest.

"No, I have my shield!" Lando protested. Benji squealed with joy as he was rolled over again and hit with tickles. "My secret weapon!" He laughed while watching the little boy wheeze with giggles. I couldn't help laughing.

Seeing his chance as Lando was distracted and looking up at me, Benji grabbed Lando's hand and twisted his arm around his back. Lando yelled and struggled, but it was no use.

"I give up! I give up!" He said, deafeted. Benji jumped up with a triumphant war cry and let go of him. "You are too similar to your sister." He muttered, getting to his feet. I snorted with laughter.

"I taught him that." I confessed, watching the little kid run around the apartment with a sudden burst of energy.

"Strong grip, though." He shrugged, coming over to lean on the counter next to me. I checked my phone. I had five texts from Bea telling me not to be late. I sighed.

"I swear she is going to disappear one day." I glanced at Lando.

"That's dark, bro." He didn't look shocked. I smirked.

"Thanks bro." I chuckled. He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I need to get going. I want to change and have a shower before the race." He told me.

"See ya, loser." I told him.

"That's no way to talk to your elder." He teased as he collected his coat. I shot him a glare.

"You are two months older than me. Shut up." I crossed my arms.

"Still counts. I am way more mature than you." He chalenged.

"Ha! I literally just saw you playing Super Hero with an eight-year-old."I laughed.

"So? Last week, you scraped your knee running after the ice cream van." He crossed his arms. I had forgotten about that particular incident.

"Excuse me, I am a very mature adult. Yesterday, I even purchased a vegetable." I said it proudly. I raised an eyebrow.

"A singular vegetable?"

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