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I slowly slid back into consciousness. I could see strong light flitting through the tent but didn't open my eyes. It felt like they were glued shut. 

I wanted to go back to sleep but knew that now I was awake and there was no going back. I let out a soft sigh and stretched out my arms in front of me.

There was a soft grunt in my ear as I moved. I froze. I was suddenly aware of my surroundings. The night before came rushing back to me, and I opened my eyes.

Max's arm was draped across my chest, his hand tucked under me, holding my body closely against him. My back was pressed against him, his face buried in my shoulder.

I could feel his soft breathing against my skin. My heart began to race.


He was still sleeping soundly. I begged that he wouldn't wake up to find me like this. As slowly and gently as I could, I loosened his tight grip on me and slid silently away from him. 

He grumbled a little in protest but remained in a deep sleep. I instantly felt the cold absence of his body against me, but he shook it off. I sat on the edge of the bed, my mind racing with thoughts.

Is there any chance that he won't remember anything?

God, I hoped he didn't. It had felt so wrong. As a shiver ran up my spine, I wrapped my hands around my body. I looked back at Max's sleeping form. His features were relaxed and... peaceful.

This is wrong. It feels so wrong.

If it had been so wrong, then why did it feel so right? 

Why did I want him to do it again? Why did I want to feel his body wrapped around mine, his breath on my skin, and his warm scent surrounding me?

No! This is Max we're talking about. He's an arrogant jackass and nothing more. Stop.

I shook my head, mentally yelling at myself for thinking about him that way. I felt weird. My skin was still tingling when he touched me.

Wrong, wrong, no, no, no.

But still, I didn't look away. I felt strangley calmer as I watched his body rise and fall with every breath. I was almost tempted to reach out and trace his features. I willed myself to remain still.

A strange feeling was welling up inside my chest. It felt as if there was something inside me that was trying to tug me forward. It screamed to lie back down and let him pull me close once more.

"You know, it's rude to watch someone while they sleep." His soft voice caught me off guard.

His eyes blinked open, a twinkle of mischief in their depths. He smirked at me, streatching his arms above his head luxuriously. I swallowed; everything that I had been telling myself suddenly made sense.

"I wasn't watching you." I turned away, focusing on something else.

"Mhm." His voice was still thick with sleep.

I didn't look back at him, instead grabbing my shoes and pulling them hastily on. There was movement behind me as he sat up, but I still refrained from looking back at him. I wouldn't give him satisfaction.

"Is there anything else to eat?" I asked after a couple moments of silence.

"No." He sighed, walking over to the bag and picking it up. "Just a mini bottle of tequila..." He pulled out one of the bottles that you would find in a hotel minibar. I stared at him.

"There was alcohol this whole time! And you didn't tell me?" I jumped up. He shrugged. "Ugh! You are unbelivable!"

"I didn't think it was important." He replied calmly.

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