027 || Naomi

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A week had passed since then. I had discussed the contract at lenght with Horner and we had deicded to extend it till 2024. I had another year to prove myself. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Ann and Lando had stared dating officially but asked me to keep it a secret for now. This was absolute torture because I was horrible at lying to Layla. Sure to stranger or the police after I had almost gotten arrested for stealing a tv (not based off a real example) but to my best friend?

I had actually tried to spend less time with her because I was afraid to let it slip. I couldn't break my promise, but I also couldn't avoid her forever. But that whole situation disappeared from my mind when a very unexpected guest showed up on my doorstep one day.

"Naomi?" I said, shocked.

It was in fact Naomi. The tall blonde woman sniffled, dabbing her eyes with a hankechief. She looked ruffled and upset.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could answer she walked right past me, dragging a small suitcase behind her. I gritted my teeth and shut the door. This was really not what I wanted to deal with on a sunday morning.

"Hi, it's good to see you. I'm good, actually. Thanks for asking." I muttered, walking after her. She walked into the living room as if she owned the place. She gazed around, looking unimpressed.

"What a cozy place you've got here." She turned back to me, giving me a fake smile.

"Thanks." I replied flatly.

"So, you must be wondering why I'm here." She pulled off her gloves and let them fall onto the couch.

Why the fuck was she wearing gloves anyway? It's really not that cold.

"Yeah." I replied again in the same tone, crossing my arms.

"Well, Mom and Dad decided that I needed to get out of the house for a while." She sat down. I was beginning to wonder: did she think she lived here? I cleared my throat.

"Why ever would they want their thirty year old daughter to leave home?" I said in a fake voice.

"I know, that's what I said! It's just so unfair!" She exclaimed.

Her lower lip trembled, clearly overflowing over this horrible injustice. She dabbed at her dry eyes again. I watched her try not to grimace.

"So, I think I'll stay here for a couple of months until they realize what a huge mistake they made and beg me to come back." She got to her feet. I froze.

I'm sorry, what now.

She walked past me, dragging her suitcase behind her. I walked after her, a million questions swirling inside my head. The first of which is: What the fuck?

"I'll take your room, obviously. There is no way I will sleep in a guest room. I don't have many clothes with me, so I'll have to take some of yours, of course. I stole Daddy's credit card, though, so I'll be able to do my own shopping, excluding food, which I assume will be taken care of. I'm allergic to lobster and She walked straight into my room. My jaw dropped. Was she being serious?

"It's a bit messy, but I suppose it'll do." She sniffed condecendingly, looking around my room. Sure, there were a couple of stray items here and there, but I wouldn't call it messy. "Yes? Can I help you?" She turned to me, crossing her arms. As if I were the one disturbing her.

"Yeah. You can start by getting the fuck out of my house." I smiled sweetly at her.

"Excuse me?" She gasped indignatly.

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