Chapter thirty-six

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Lucius- Harvey. I just got off the phone with search and rescue. Whatever blew up Jeremiah's bunker was catastrophic. There are no signs of life.

Harvey- Tell them to keep looking.

Lucius- Harvey, I think...

Harvey- listen. Jim found his way out, understood?

*Harvey walks away*

Yn- Lucius, I know what happened, but I don't want to get hurt or get killed if I told you.

Lucius- If you know something, tell me.

Yn- I can't. Bruce and I signed contracts with him, and we forgot to read the fine print.

Lucius- Okay, I understand. we will figure it out on our own for now. Stay here.

*Lucius walks away*

Harvey- Screw that and screw her. *he points to the reporter on tv* Listen, in two minutes, Jim Gordon's gonna walk through that door and chew on your asses out for standing around and not doing your job. Now, first responders are on the seacene. I want CSIS out there, Pronto, and I want everyone looking for Jeremiah Valeska and Bruce wayne. That's who Jim was looking for since Yn found herself running from Jeremiah when this whole thing went blooey.

Officer- You ain't the captain.

Harvey- The captain ain't here. I'm ranking detective.

Officer 2- Last time we followed you, the Pyg slaughtered us.

Yn- All right, look, enough. Jim trusts him, and I trust him, okay? So everyone get back to work.

Alvarez- Harvey. Jeremiah Valeska wasn't inside the Bunker when it blew.

Yn- That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Harvey- How do you know?

Alvarez- Cause he's outside, and he's not alone.

Yn- Wait, what?!

*You, Harvey, and Alvarez walk outside*

Harvey- What the hell?

Yn- I tried to tell you.

Jeremiah- You might not recognize Jerome's followers, as I given them something of a makeover. But I assure you, they're as loyal to me as they ever were to him. More so. Cause I accomplished something, my brother never could killing James Gordon.

Cultists- Jeremiah! Jeremiah!

*You lundge at him, but Harvey pulled you back*

Harvey- Yn, calm down. Are you trying to get yourself killed?

Yn- I'm not a baby Harvey.

Harvey- You are a lair. *he says to Jeremiah*

*You lingerie at him again, but his words made you stop *

Jeremiah- Not so fast. I have bombs planted around the city, just like the one that killed Jim Gordon.

Cultists- Jeremiah! Jeremiah!

Jeremiah- All you need to know is if I hit this detonator, Gotham is blown back to the Stone Age.

Harvey- If I pull this trigger, your brains are blown through the back of your skull.

Jeremiah- Dead man's switch. You're familiar. It's another little something I took from my brother, except mines a bit more advanced. You shoot me, my thumb loosens, and then boom, boom, boom, boom. You will do what I say.

Harvey- You're more sick than your brother.

Yn- Oh, you're a dead man Harvey you never compare him to his brother. I should know.

Jeremiah- *chuckles* Don't compare me to that short-sighted psychopath. He just wanted to destroy things. Me, I'm a builder. I'm gonna create a new Gotham in my image. But every artist needs a blank canvas, so... all of this has to go. I detonate the explosives in six hours. I want the city empty when I do.

Harvey- you need us to evacuate Gotham in six hours?

Yn- That's impossible!

Jeremiah- Than everyone who dies screaming, who watches their loved ones crushed before them, will have you to thank, Detective Bullock. Look... nobody has to die. Well, except for these people. I know seeing is believing, and I do what you to believe me, so... *he blows up the clock tower*

Yn- Oh, my God!

Harvey- Oh, my, God! Get officers on the scene now! Go!

Jeremiah- Six hours, Detective. Oh, and Yn don't even think about leaving the city. The clock is ticking.

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