Chapter 11: Second Task

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POV Harry:

Theo and I are dating, it's the first thing that I think about when I wake up the day after the Yule Ball, the next thing that I think about is that kissing Theo is amazing and the third and last is that I'm glad that when I returned to my dorm the others were already sleeping, as I didn't want them to think that I had kissed Luna, I was very sure that my lips looked as if they had been kissed and me kissing Luna is what they would think as nobody apart from Hermione and Draco knew about my crush on Theo.

I then decide to wait for the afternoon to go meet Theo, as we usually do, because I want to see my boyfriend and I want to ask him if he wants to tell anyone (our friends and Sirius and Remus).

When I enter the room I see that Theo is already there and he looks nervous, which makes me anxious. Is he nervous because he thinks that what happened yesterday was a mistake?

- Ri? - Theo calls me and I think that's the first time that someone has called me by a nickname.

- Yes? - I question.

He takes my hand. - Would you like to go on a date with me?

- Where? - I ask confused since we can't go to Hogsmeade this year because of the tournament.

- I thought that we could ask that elf of yours if there is somewhere here in Hogwarts where nobody would be able to find us. - he replies and I smile while nodding.

- I will ask him later. - I say and then I think back to what I had wanted to ask him. - Theo, do you want to tell anyone about us? - I ask while stepping closer to him and he looks at my eyes, but for a moment his eyes flickered to my lips, I smile while blushing a little when I see it.

- Do you? - he questions.

- Only our friends and Sirius and Remus, I don't want Dumbledore to think that I have gone stray. - I reply.

- That's why I thought that it would be better to keep it a secret, but I think that it's okay if only our friends and your family know. - I smile at him and I give him a short kiss in his lips.

- Thanks, Theo.

He looks at me smiling because of the kiss and then he pulls me into another kiss, this one being longer and deeper.

After a few minutes, we separate and I stop Theo before he pulls me into another kiss, telling him that we are supposed to be practicing and that they had to do it quickly if he wanted me to call for Dobby later.

An hour or so later, we finished our practice for the day and Theo decided that I had already perfected the bubble-head spell.

- What does that mean? - I ask confused.

- I mean that there isn't anymore reason to meet in here. - he starts and I look down sadly, but then he continues. - I thought that if that elf knows some place to be together without anyone finding us, then we can meet there every time we want and not just to practice or for dates.

I look at him with shock and then I throw myself to him, pulling him into a deep kiss and wrapping my legs around his waist.

- I would love to. - I tell him when we separate from the kiss.

After that, Theo sees the time to realize that he should go, as it was late and he didn't have an invisibility cloak as me to return unnoticed after curfew.

A few minutes after Theo leaving I call Dobby and immediately after he appears with a Pop!

- Is there something that master Harry Potter need from Dobby, sir? - he asks, I really would like that he stopped calling me like that, but he never listened.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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