Character Introduction

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Lynaria Woods (26)

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Lynaria Woods (26)

Lynaria Woods (26)

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Annie (24)

Shop Elysia - Celestia, England

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Shop Elysia - Celestia, England

Thank you for reading yet another one of my works. Admittedly, I struggled a bit with this one with some cases of intermittent writer's block, but I absolutely love the story of Lynaria and Dante. I hope you will appreciate it for whatever resonates with you.

I wanted to thank jamirokay for assisting me with piece. From putting up with all my ramblings and constant spam about this concept or that idea, to assisting me with the imagery for the concept boards, and just putting up with my shenanigans. I appreciate you more than words.

We hope you enjoy Stay as much as we loved working on it. - Advent_xx

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