Segment Five - Lynaria

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As I collect the supplies to take care of Dante's significant shoulder wound and other minor cuts and scrapes along his chest and face, I feel the shy, quiet young woman I normally am fade to the confident woman I wish I was all the time. The only time I feel this way is when I'm in the greenhouse or helping a customer to select the plant or flower that will best suit them. I exhale a deep sigh, grabbing the last bit of supplies I need from the medicine cabinet, hurrying to Dante's side. I kneel next to the bed, setting the tray next to me. When I look up at his handsome face, I feel my heart pang with sadness at the expression he wears. His eyes are closed but I can see he is attempting to restrain a look of pain from dancing across his features.

I run a cool wash cloth along his forehead, trying to take away the sweat that's building there, looking at the damage of his shoulder. It looks pretty deep and though not infected, it could get there if it's not taken care of sooner than later. I help him remove his jacket and shirt, laying a towel underneath my area of work. The wound itself looks like it's trying to heal, but whatever is coating in it is preventing the process. It is now I am deeply thankful for my mother teaching me basic first aid and her knowledge as an apothecary. I have to be careful not to hurt myself in the process of helping him, which won't be hard to do. Thankfully my herbs are in good supply if I need to get some from the greenhouse.

As I tie my hair in a high ponytail, I begin to mix my tonics as to not waste any more time. As I do so, I hear him speak and his tone is more serious than I expected, the jovial front shattered likely by the pain and situation.

"I didn't mean to worry you, Aria. I am used to this kind of problem and take care of myself just fine most the time. My body is just taking a little more time to heal because of the damn venom from the lamia's nasty mouth. I'm really pissed that it got away. But," he laughs bitterly with his words, wincing at the gesture, "it's sporting a nasty wound itself, one it won't be able to shake off. Make it easy to spot in a crowd if it has a human form."

As my hands begin to work to cleanse the wound, I focus on it to ensure I'm doing everything as I was taught. I desperately want to look at him and can feel his eyes focused on me, but want to keep my focus on the task at hand. I find the words I've been mulling over, wanting to be careful with how I present. I do not want to insult him, as he has several years on my life and the experience with it. Yet, the kindred person I am, I feel the need to interject.

"I know you can take care of yourself, Dante. But what would have happened if you weren't here with me, hmm? Stayed in a hotel a distance away? Would you have suffered by yourself for hours fighting this? Or," I fix my cat like eyes onto his cerulean-grey, my eye brows furrowing with frustration and concern, "would you have been able to magically find a mixture for this? I want you to know I am glad I can help you now. It's the least I can do for you. I'm glad you're letting me."

I exhale the breath I had been holding and see his eyes soften slightly. I know I have no right to chastise him or chide him. I'm just really glad he's not pitching another joke or brushing off the severity of the situation like he did previously with other stories from a few hours ago. Unexpectedly, he lifts a gloved hand to brush against my cheek and I blink several times, realizing I've stopped working. A blush captures my cheeks in a rose sheen and I avert my gaze in embarrassment.

"Don't look away from me, Lynaria."

I bring myself to look at him again and feel my heart pounding like a slow and strong drum.

"Thank you for caring so much. I needed to hear that."

The way he impresses upon each word he says has my complete focus and his expression holds a sweet vulnerability I didn't think I would ever see. His finger tips dance across my cheek for a lingering moment and I want to badly to lean into his touch. His eyes look like he's fighting pain, but attempting to keep focused on me. Whatever was in the demon's venom looks like it's really gnawing at him. I note that he's also breathing a bit heavier than before.

I realize now, however, is not the time to get caught up in this tender desire swelling in me. I allow my own defensiveness to dissipate as I smile genuinely, my lips curling to a softer expression as I now continue to work.

"Of course, Dante. Let me finish. I want to make sure you stay with me."

After a few more moments, I can see that the wound is starting to look visibly better and it is confirmed by the fact that his body goes into some sort of hyperdrive with healing. I hear him sigh in contentment and as I look to his face, the pain that laced his features is gone. I feel instant relief wash over me and now can move to the lesser of the injuries.
My eyes catch notice of the fact he is still wearing the necklace I fastened to him a few hours ago alongside of a most beautiful silver necklace with what appears to be a blood stone setting in the middle. I keep my hands working on his chest as I speak.

"I didn't expect for you to keep it on."

I see his eyes flicker open and he glances down to his chest, a handsome smile surfacing before transitioning to a distant look, as if recalling something. His hand grasps the topaz gem and rubs it gingerly as he speaks, the sound of realization in his tone piquing my curiosity.

"This was my good luck charm earlier. If you're alright with it, can I hold onto it for a bit longer?"

His eyes refocus and he's back to smiling at me warmly. I feel warmed by the intense stare and nod, choosing to inquire about the other necklace he has on. My fingers briefly brush over it and instantly, I can feel the love emanating from it. Whomever gifted it to him cared for him very much.

"Of course you can. I'm glad to hear it kept you safe. What's this one mean to you? It feels like however gifted it to you loved you more than anything."

"Ahh, that would be my mother Eva. She gave this to me on my eighth birthday along with my brother's matching necklace. My father gave it to her as a token of his love for her."

The fact that Dante still wears it after all this time speaks to his deep emotions he keeps hidden behind cool smiles and a brazen attitude. It also speaks to how he regards his mother, which I find to be endearing. And thinking of mothers, I realize now mine, having made me open my home to Dante, knew what she was doing the entire time. I feel like she knew we would get along better than I had initially thought. And though I could not plan on having to treat his wounds, we would bond over things and eventually, I would open myself up to him. Making a mental note to corner her later, I finish up the rest of the care on his body within no time. As I am putting away the extra supplies, I feel him grab my arm firmly to catch my attention.

"Aria, thank you for caring about someone like me. You were right earlier. I don't tend to care because I'm just doing what I'm supposed to, given the life path I chose. But it's nice to be cared for without asking."

I hum a positive response as I lean across him and plant a delicate kiss on his cheek. I see his own turn a shade of crimson and it makes me giggle softly, seeing him flustered like this. It's really cute.

"Surely. It's the least I could do. I'll always be here to help, okay?"

After spending a significant amount of time bickering about who was going to sleep in the bed, Dante and I lay next to one another in the darkness. I lay on his good side, trying to keep a respectful distance, but I feel his body flush against mine as he emits a gentle snore, finally asleep after my insistence to drink sleepy tea to help him relax.

I turn to observe his face as he sleeps, taking in how at peace he looks. I wonder if he's plagued by nightmares by the things he's experienced or if he dreams at all. I cautiously run my fingers against his forehead to move away a few strands of white hair away and feel myself urged to offer my lips to his forehead. I resist, opting to just stare at him sleep, realizing how creepy it is after a few moments. As I move to turn on my back, I feel him nuzzle into my shoulder, sighing softly. I swallow harshly, feeling my heart rate increase to a high tempo, but relish the feeling of warmth next to me.

It's so pleasant that I don't even realize I'm asleep until my alarm goes off.

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