Segment Ten - Lynaria & Dante

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Annie's normal soprano like voice sounds much deeper and distorted as she speaks, her head cracking to the side in an unnatural manner. Her eyes glint with a deep mischief and I feel my heart hammering as if it wants to break free from my chest. She isn't wearing her glasses and I can really see how hollow her eye sockets appear.

"My sweet Lynaria. My sweet, fragile," her head cracks to the other side as she twitches slightly, and I notice her finger nails getting much longer, "Lynnie. You belong to me, not to that disgusting demon hunter. He is trying to take you from me. I can't have that. Not after it took me so long to find a place to call mine and a human that loves and accepts me."

My eyes widen as she starts to laugh hysterically, her voice deepening even further as she speaks, almost resembling a baritone male. I can feel the contrast of desperation and malice in her voice. I want to close my eyes, but I can't. I am paralyzed with fear. Even after knowing that this was a strong possibility, I was still hoping I was wrong.

"Do you know that I care so much about you that I was going to keep you for last? I wanted to save you for last because of how kind you've been and how much you've trusted me. I really wanted to try to resist this carnal urge. But goodness," her smile grows so wide her face is starting to split and I hold back the urge to vomit at the sound and visual of her flesh tearing apart, "humans just taste so good. Especially the women. It helps me stay beautiful forever."

At this point her face is completely different, eyes a deep crimson and almost as if she is a snake shedding skin, her human flesh slides away, replacing with a massive snake tail and nude, immaculate upper body. Her face appears longer, yet appears to be a smooth as stone, and it is when her jaw opens I can see rows of jagged teeth. I feel myself beginning to hyperventilate but I force myself to keep standing. I can't even begin to fathom Dante's ability to stand tall before these kinds of creatures and not flinch. Even though I find myself to be not easily shaken with something, I feel the sheer trepidation and realization that this is the lovely person that's worked alongside me, laughed with me, ate meals with me, bonded with me for the last few years.

What caused her to suddenly do this now? Does that thought even matter?
As she speaks now, her voice is like an eloquent song, deeper for a woman, but ever beautiful. Despite being terrifying, there is an air of elegance to her being.

"And then, my Lynnie, we can be together for all of eternity. You will join and be part of me. I'll never be alone again. That damn demon hunter's father took my mother. And now I get to take his life instead. It's so much fun how things work out, right?"

With those words, I feel the electric sensation of adrenaline in my muscles. I feel the urge to run, but how far could I get before she caught up? She can slither with her massive tail likely quicker than I could ever imagine to run. I squeeze my fingers into my palms, feeling trapped by my fear to move but my fear if I don't, I will die right here. As my body lurches forward, I take off in a sprint towards the greenhouse, praying I can at least make it inside. If I'm going to die, I want to die being surrounded by the plants my father and mother nurtured and loved so much.


I whisper under my breath, realizing I don't want any harm to come to her. What if Annie did hurt my mother though before coming? I don't want to risk turning back and bringing harm to her. What can I do to make this situation better? What's the right answer? I continue to high tail it to the greenhouse, resolved to see my decision through. I'm hopeful that Annie just wanted to hurt me and came to me first.

"Lynnie, please don't run, I want to make this as painless as possible!!! But," I hear her nails scrapping against the ground, tearing through as if it is nothing more than fluff, "I love the thrill of the chase. You never cease to please and amaze me!!"

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