Segment Two - Lynaria

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The day goes by quickly with multiple flower orders, requests for tonics and teas to be hand made. Annie and I work ourselves through lunch and it is then I realize I have not seen my mother all morning. I know she's around by the way the upstairs creaks and floorboards moan, but she hasn't come downstairs. I know she is sometimes busy with private orders that she solely works on, which is what I think she's likely doing today. Yet, I wish she still could come down and say hello. I worry that she's not taking care of herself with working through the entire morning.

I send Annie to get us all something to eat, finishing up the last of the turquoise tinted rose bouquets for this extremely animated wedding party. I hum a light tune as I lay down the last bouquet in the box with its sisters, smiling gently to myself. I turn around to grab a few different ribbons to tie the box closed in an ornate fashion and as I do, I hear the front door open causing the bell jingle. I call out kindly, smiling with my words to inflect due to my back being forward facing to the customer.

"Welcome! I will be with you in a just a moment! Please feel free to look around and let me know if you have any questions!"

I hear the floorboards creaking and though I wouldn't think anything of it normally, I turn my head slightly, catching sight of a tall male with snow colored hair approaching the counter with a confident stride. As I turn to face him completely, I involuntarily drop the ribbons I had so searched for, my face enveloping in an expression of surprise and embarrassment. He looks just like Sparda did in the photo, minus the hairstyle being different and the addition of the unshaven stubble that litters this man's face in such a way that makes me tingle through my entire body.

His eyes are the same as Sparda's yet uniquely his; sharp, powerful, and mesmerizing. Accompanied with the small smirk he sports, he has a strong presence that is undeniable and demands attention, even if it for just a moment. I had forgotten about dropping the ribbon until he speaks, leaning down and grasping it for me with a gloved hand. I didn't even realize he got that close until he's standing before me with a more genuine smile, holding the ribbons between two fingers.

"For you, Mi'lady. I won't be needing any help today per say with what you're selling, but I do have a question."

I take the ribbons as I nod briefly, staring up at him. My fingers linger in his palm longer than expected, but he doesn't show any sign of botherance. He's very tall and analyzing his physical appearance, he looks like a mercenary of some kind with his red leather jacket, multiple buckles and form-fitted black shirt underneath. I find my eyes wandering for too long from his face and quickly snap my gaze to his own once more. I'm not one to gawk at a male usually, but he is definitely a step above the average male. Like a living, breathing sculpture immaculate.

"I am here to meet with Eleanor. Do you know where I could find her?"

It suddenly dawns to me that this is the person my mom was speaking to last night. Before I have a moment to process my thoughts, I hear my mother's sweet voice calling out. I turn to look at my mother and find myself smiling at her. Her previously blond hair has become silver with the years that have passed yet her youthful nature shines through her amber eyes. She sports her usual shawl over her long dress as she walks over.

"Dante, I'm so glad to see you. I hope the trip wasn't terrible."

I hear Dante chuckle behind me and he answers politely.

"Not at all. It's a pleasure to be here. I'm assuming this lovely young lady is your daughter?"

"What gave it away? Our trademark eyes?"

I glance between the two of them, chatting like old friends. I find myself calmer listening to their correspondence and after a few more moments of light banter, my mother turns her gaze and focuses on me. The lighter, friendly aura changes to a more serious, focused one as she lifts her finger to me, speaking in a quiet tone.

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