Segment Eight - Lynaria

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I try to keep a straight face for the rest of the day after having lunch with Dante, the bombshell of information he discussed with me running through my mind at high speed. I'm trying to not make eye contact with Annie because the thought of her becoming a gruesome creature, capable of devouring people and having insurmountable strength, simultaneously breaks my heart and infuriates me. How could the person I've turned to in moments of vulnerability and know my heart's anxiety and has been a source of comfort be something that's harming and taking life? I try to focus my hands on tying the arrangement for the sweet anniversary gift for the baker and his wife together so when he comes in, he can just grab and go. The last few customers leave with their bought goods of tonics and flora, leaving me alone with Annie in an awkward silence.

I continue to focus diligently on the threads, trying to make a delicate bow. I feel her clear blue eyes on me face and I lift my eyes hesitantly to look at her. I place the nicest smile I can muster and I can see her eyes narrow onto me with an odd expression, but her smile never changes. It's actually creepy, yet, I try not to show that it unnerves me.

"Yes, Annie?"

"Lynnie, where did your necklace go?"

I pause, touching my chest out of habit, recalling Dante has it in his possession still. I don't do well with being put on the spot, but emit a soft laugh, scratching my head.

"I lent it to a good friend. He seemed he really needed it."

I do my best to keep the bashful expression on my features, my fingers trembling against my cheek. I hope she doesn't notice, but the fear in my chest is telling me she's known this entire time that I've been afraid and anguished. Her lips twitch but she doesn't let her demeanor change yet again as she nods, turning herself back to the flower pot in front of her. Her tone holds an eerie sweetness, but I can tell she is holding something in.

"That's very kind of you, Lynnie, always thinking of others. I hope that friend takes good care of it. Come to think of it," she turns back to me, this time with a genuine smile touching her eyes, "I think we talked about getting matching necklaces before right? Maybe we can look this weekend?"

I fight the urge to cry and scream at the same time with this whole situation. How could I ever consider spending time with her after what Dante thoroughly explained and I have felt all through the day. He would have no reason to lie to me about this. He would have nothing to gain. Especially with the whole pact regarding his father. Even with my mother's part in all of this, I trust it is all legitimate from her standpoint. She would never point the finger unless she was certain either.

I bury my conflicting emotions and nod to her, forcing a smile on my face.

"Sure, Annie. We can do that."

Just as she is about to speak, the front door jingles open, and my eyes lift to greet who I had assumed to be the baker from next door. Yet, my eyes soften at Dante's figure and my heart rate, having previously been hammering in my chest in frustration, alters to a softer rhythm. I bite my cheek and restrain the urge to smile bigger, but when he comes closer, I find my will losing itself to his handsome face and comforting presence.

"Dante," I breathe out, "I wasn't expecting you until much later."

Dante claps his hands together, winking at me, and leans against the front counter on his elbows.

"Mmm, something came up this afternoon but I'll be back at nightfall. Wanted to make sure I came to see you before I head out."

I watch his cerulean orbs turn over to Annie and he offers a slight smile, nodding to her.
"Nice to meet you...?"

"I'm Annie, Lynaria's assistant."

The terse tone in Annie's voice is quickly overshadowed by the sickeningly fake nice smile she puts on as she bows her head slightly to him before turning to grab something to finish the work before her.
Dante chuckles in a low tone as he lifts to stand, his voice as cool as the fall wind breeze.

"Tough crowd, huh. Well, Aria, I'll see you tonight then, don't want to keep my colleague waiting too long," he raises to stand tall, moving swiftly to stand beside me. I turn to him, feeling my eyes shine with curiosity, and he runs his fingers against my cheek with a fond smile curled on his lips.

"I wanted to give this back to you, for safekeeping. Turn a bit so I can fasten it to your neck."

He pushes me to turn to face Annie and I see her freeze, turning her head slightly to observe us. Yet as he fastens the topaz gem around my neck, offering a chaste kiss to my cheek, all I can see is the burning hatred in her eyes at him. If looks could kill, Dante would have been stabbed over and over. Right in this moment confirms it all and this is exactly what Dante was looking for from our conversation at lunch. Though it's good to know we have the right culprit, it's like a piercing to my own heart. I still don't want to believe it.

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