Segment Eleven - Lynaria

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I find myself staring at nothing in particular as the police and priests from the church all swarm the greenhouse, trying to get stuff cleaned up and blessed to rid of the demonic aura simultaneously. I spot my mother standing next to the young woman by the name of Lady, speaking with her in what seems to be a thank you conversation. My mother pats the woman's shoulders and I can see Lady smile at whatever they're talking about. It makes me happy to see my mother safe.

Even after all that I've witnessed and have experienced, none of it feels real. I still feel like it's just one bad nightmare that I'll wake up and laugh at with Annie tomorrow. But, I realize I will never see her again, never hear her laugh or see her smile. It's all now in my memory. And even though she was this creature, I want to try to remember her as she was, not as she became. I hug myself, closing my eyes, remembering the last thing Annie said as her life was escaping her. She was in her massive original form of the lamia, but her voice was more the way I remember it.

"I am sorry, Lynaria... I really hoped we could live a long life together, but one mistake led me down a rabbit hole I couldn't escape. I hope you can forgive me one day."

I shake my head, causing my hair to cover my face in a curtain, not wanting to think of the complicated emotions that come with coping with more death and forgiveness for those who may or may not deserve it. I know this is going to take a lot of time to process and truly move forward from, but I don't even know where to start. I speak a silent prayer for Annie's soul, hoping she can be forgiven by whatever or whomever will be her judgment so she can be reborn into whatever she had desired. I open my eyes at the sound of boots clicking on the pavement, lifting my gaze to meet the ever handsome man who saved my life. He wears an apologetic expression and offers his arms to me, which I gladly accept.

As he encloses me into his strong embrace, I feel his lips moving against my hair as he murmurs for my ears alone.

"Can I just say how brave that was for you to do? It takes a lot of strength to lift arms against an opposing force, even more so to stand against someone you love when they're wrong. I just want you to know I'm proud of you. I'm here for whatever you need."

I snuggle my face against his upper chest and neck, taking him all in. Even after everything, he still smells like subtle hints of sandalwood and gunpowder, never smelling with any scent of blood or devious things otherwise. His body is so warm and full of kindness. I can feel one of his hands grasping the nape of my neck gently and the other looped around my waist in a protective hold. I take the moment to inhale and exhale slowly, surprisingly not feeling like I want to cry. All I want to do is enjoy his bodily warmth and presence. I process his words and though I want to respond to them, I need to take that private moment to do so later. I want to focus on the more positive right now.

"I'm just glad you're safe, Dante. Thank you. Thank you for keeping my mother safe too. This isn't going to be easy but I'm going to just take each day to process and move forward. I know you'll have to go soon back to your life in the States, but I was hoping you'd spend the night with me."

I pause and realize how it sounds and I lift my head in embarrassment, my cheeks enveloped in a tomato blush.

"O-oh goodness, I didn't mean it like that, Dante. I meant for us to spend the night just next to one another like we—"

I feel and see his amused laughter as he pulls gently on my hair, making me blush even deeper.

"Whatever you want, doll. I'm content doing whatever."

We both laugh together as we remain embracing. I snuggle my head against him, looking at my mother who is now smiling back at me with her hands over her heart. I can see the love in her eyes. I offer a closed eyed smile to her, shaking my head against Dante. Despite all that has happened, I'm really glad to have met him.

Several Months Later

My eyes read over the flower count one more time before I close my log book, placing it on the counter. My amber eyes lift to survey the quaint little shop I've recently acquired, pleased with the progress so far. The walls are lined with various glass containers with different teas and medicinal drinks and all through the ceiling hangs colorful flowers of different types, each with their own unique beauty. There are two little tables by the front door for customers to sit and I smile at the photo I have hanging near the entrance of the shop.

"Da, I hope you continue to provide your love and blessings over me. Ma will be coming to live here in the States soon, just after she's done with a few things. She plans to retire and travel. Isn't that great?"

I stare at the photo of my mother and father holding the key to Elysia back home with big smiles. My eyes shift over to the neon sign at the window, the words "Annie and Aria's Blooms and Teas" humming in the otherwise silent air. Choosing to open a flower shop with a new, albeit conflicting name was a huge choice for me. But, being that it is my own, I wanted to preserve the memory of her for who she was to me, not what she became.

It has been an interesting transition coming to Redgrave City, but well worth it. And the reason it is well worth it enters through the front door, calling out in a cheesy, romantic manner. I feel my lips curl into a fond smile as I lean against the counter, propping my face up with my hands as I watch him.

"Honey, I'm home! Did you miss me?"

"Of course I missed you, silly."

He laughs as he locks the door behind him, pulling down the shade to the door and helping pull the curtains closed for the windows. I watch him with an amused expression, shaking my head slightly. When he's done, he turns with a devious smirk and as I remain as I have been against the counter, watching him saunter to me. I feel myself becoming excited for what is to come but want to hold my position as much as possible to not seem too eager. He shrugs out of his red jacket, hanging it on the door to the bathroom, before he turns to me with an ardent gaze. I finally stand straight as he is quick to come behind the counter and hoists me to sit on it, coming between my legs and flushing his body against mine.

"How was your day, my love?" I whisper softly as I run my fingers through his snow colored locks, looking at his lips. How I can't wait to kiss them.

"Nothing to call home about," he mutters as his hands caress up my body and settle on my upper back as he leans in, nipping ever so slightly to my lips as he speaks softly against them, "but I couldn't wait to come home to you."

As we envelope in a slow, tender kiss that soon becomes passionate and rough, I breathlessly gasp out, clenching my hands against his chest.

"Dante, we can't do this on the counter..."

"Who says? We can do it everywhere as far as I'm concerned."

"My love..."

I find myself losing the will to fight him as he trails his lips to the tender flesh of my neck, biting roughly, which causes me to groan slightly. I feel his hands cupping my bottom as he hoists me up, walking to the stairs that lead to our private quarters upstairs. He doesn't even lift his head as I feel him sucking my neck as I let out a gentle whine. As he walks up the stairs slowly, I feel him squeezing my rear playfully. I murmur to him as I run my fingers once more through his hair in a loving manner.

"You're such a goof, you know that?"

"Only for you, babe."

As we finally make our way to our room, he pushes me onto the bed, caging me in his arms as he hovers over me. I smile at him as he leans his forehead against mine, his eyes holding such an expression of love and openness. I lift my hands to caress his stubbled jawline, never breaking eye contact.

"You know I got to say without you, I wouldn't be the man I am now, Aria. You really bring out the best in me. Thank you for staying by my side through some of the toughest of times. I love you, my beautiful lady. Hope you feel it even when I don't say it often enough."

I nuzzle my nose against his, offering a brief kiss to his lips before I respond. There is nowhere else I'd rather be than with him.

"Dante, my love, I will love you for life eternal. I will always stay by your side."

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