Segment Seven - Dante

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Having started early for my reconnaissance, I've been able to pick up a few notable things about this lamia wreaking havoc in the quaint location of Celestia.

She likes to target women anywhere in their late teens to late twenties. No discrimination for race or occupation.

She likes to attack them in an isolated area, most notably in an alley, by the docks at the pier, and in the church courtyard. Always done at night in the earlier parts of the wee morning.

Most of the time the women have their face completely ripped apart and mutilated, while the rest of their bodies remain intact for the most part. The primary focus is the upper body above the shoulders.

She definitely hates demon hunters and has an affinity for topaz? Either that or she hates it too. Though I'm more partial to the favor of the gem.

As I make my way through the church that was wrecked last night, I'm able to speak with one of the nuns and obtain more of a history for when the lamia activity started. Over the last few weeks it seems like it has increased but specific to particular days of the week. And despite being a complete mess, it's always otherwise pristine when the body is found. The demon likes to make a show but only just so. It's telling to the personality of the creature.

"If judging by the days of the week, the next attack should coincide within the next few days. But, I don't want to wait. Better to strike while the iron is still hot."

I stare at the clear blue sky as I talk to no one, thinking out loud. I've been standing in the courtyard of the church for the last 15 minutes, trying to piece all the evidence together. Perhaps it's just preference? Perhaps there is a methodical rationale for such a behavior?

"Or maybe it's just because she feels like it. Because she can."

I exhale, tapping my foot, crossing my arms against my chest. I feel like there really is no reason outside of preference and situational dependence. And if they were truly just a mindless beast, it wouldn't be on certain days this occurs. Regardless, I'm here now and I'm going to put it back where it belongs.

As I walk around the quaint city, taking in the colorful personalities and different shops, my eyes find the most beautiful thing I've desired to see since this morning. Lynaria's eyes are cast to the sky as she covers them slightly to see, her brown hair acting as a curtain billowing in the gentle breeze behind her. Her outfit compliments her figure; a dark blue dress that hugs her hips with a flowing skirt and brown ankle boots with loose ties.

I grin as I catch her attention, opening in my arms in a welcoming manner.

"What good timing! Let's grab some lunch!"

I call out to her, laughing at her excited manner of approach. The way her smile touches her eyes is much better look than the sorrow she held in her expression this morning after the nightmare she had. I let her lead us to a cafe tucked away on the busy street side, letting her tell me about her day of multiple flower orders for the denizens of the city.

"But something has struck me odd, Dante."

With this, I look down at her as we stand side by side a few paces away from the entrance of the cafe with a questioning expression.

"Entertain me."

"Well, this really could be nothing or mere coincidence, but Annie has been acting a bit strange today. I know she's been struggling with insomnia and it may be due to finally getting a good night's rest, but her temperament is off."

"Mm, how so?"

I hold open the door for the cafe to let her enter first, my eyes following her derrière as she walks before me, definitely liking what I see. For a moment, I'm distracted by less than pure thoughts and chuckle internally. It really has been sometime since I've satisfied that part of myself. But now isn't the time to focus on that. I realize being with Lynaria has caused something to shift in me, though I'm not sure quite yet what it is. I restrain the urge to brush my hand against her and bring myself to attention back to the serious situation at hand.

Though it is easy to get distracted when you're looking at a work of art made from the Gods themselves.

She continues as we slowly approach the counter, holding off to the side for a moment. When her amber eyes find mine, I can see the swirl of conflict and worry.

"She's tense and more... rigid than normal? She's usually very easy going. She's more still and it's kind of creepy because it seems like she's just observing everything with a deep focus."

I lift my finger to brush against her cheek, enjoying the warmth emitting followed by the blush blooming on her cheeks. I admire that Lynaria, in such a short time of knowing her, is so emotionally expressive despite her otherwise reserved nature. She seems to be opening up to me more regardless of that, just by her mannerisms with our current time together. Again, I feel my focus waning due to wanting to focus more so on her and kick myself for being so aloof. I move a stray hair and tuck it behind her ear as things start to click together from what she's mentioned, which brings me back to my desired concentration. I realize these important pieces have come together, realizing that these are things Lynaria would not know but things her mother Eleanor and I discussed the day I arrived with her observations over the past few weeks along with more recent events.

Dante, Annie is such a dear friend to Lynaria. They bonded over the fact they lost a parent young and though it is ever sweet, I feel there is more darkness to that young woman than I realized. I feel she plays such a good part of the innocent, absentminded young lady, but there is something lurking in her. I didn't want to tell Lynaria this yet without evidence because I didn't want to take one of the only people she's close with... but. A few mornings ago, I had silently been working in the medicinal cabinet, counting supplies and I heard shuffling in the main room.

I thought it had been Lynaria who had woken earlier than usual to come set up as she always does every morning. When I peeked my head out to look, I felt my blood run cold. Annie was speaking to herself in a hushed tone, complaining about the blood on her shoe and how the stench needed to come off or she would not be able to focus on the day. Then she winced in shock when grabbing the wrong vial off the shelf, accidentally touching the sage water instead of the cleaning tonic. She had burned herself with the sage concentration.

Dante, I'm so worried Lynaria will be hurt next. Lynaria is everything to me and I cannot fight like Geoffrey could. Lynaria isn't trained either and wouldn't be able to raise arms to fight Annie anyway if she could because of the sisterhood she's felt towards her. I just don't trust that young lady anymore, not after that. Her expressions are always poised and alert to the conversation, but there is such a vacancy I didn't quite notice before until now.

Please help me Dante. I don't like knowing that so many young women have perished to this demon and I feel this demon is hiding in plain sight, right in my daughter's vicinity. Please keep her safe.

Lynaria's voice snaps me from my thoughts as she taps my shoulder, staring at me with a furrowed expression.

"Dante? You seem lost in thought?"

"Sorry, I was thinking about what you said and some of the stuff I found today," I gently pat her shoulders as I lean close to her, my eyes narrowed onto hers, "I need you to trust me, Lynaria. Can you do that? The things I'm going to talk with you about right now are possibilities, but I have a feeling I'm right."

Lynaria's eyes shine with worry, but she nods briefly before my encouragement to order food so we can discuss over lunch. If this lamia wants to hide in plain sight, then she won't mind if I provoke her in plain sight either, right?

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