Segment One - Lynaria

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As the morning light pours onto my skin, giving a big hug to my frame, I open my amber eyes, welcoming the illumination. I can hear the birds singing sweetly and the hustle and bustle of the city already commencing with the early morning routines of the other shop owners. I sit up, running my slender fingers through my brown waves, staring sleepily at the wall. Suddenly, the conversation I overheard last night comes to mind and my curiosity is piqued once more. Who was my mother talking to in a hushed tone in the medicinal cabinet? Why would she feel the need to take a call there instead of anywhere else in our shop or home?

Why was she talking about Sparda?

At the thought of his name, my face is enveloped in a crimson shade, my heart fluttering a touch faster. When I was a little girl, I would always ask about the picture mom erected behind the counter of our floral-medicinal shop Elysia. Sparda stood next to my mother and father like time immemorial, looking out of an artist's fine created finger tips with his sharp eyes and chiseled cheek bones. His smile is the thing that I could never forget. His lips were curled into such a genuine show and it touched those powerful blue eyes of his. I know I had a crush on him as a little girl as silly as that sounds. I still think he's very handsome and easy on the eyes to look at even now as an adult. I wonder if he is the one that mom spoke to or if it's someone in relation to him?

I move to get up, tiptoeing into my bathroom to get ready. I live in a little cottage in the enclosed backyard of the shop alongside of the greenhouse while mom stays above the shop. It's a nice separation and gives me time to just exist in a private space but still be close by. As I brush my chocolate colored mane, I take in my yellow eyes and lightly tanned skin. I feel like something good may happen today and hope my intuition is right. I wash my face and quickly throw on a plain black tee shirt with dark blue jeans. I accessorize with my favorite topaz gem necklace and some odd and end silver rings for my fingers. For comfort, I opt for my converse sneakers. Grabbing a quick breakfast in the kitchenette, I step out in the early morning, welcoming the fresh scent of just baked bread.

I can hear the baker next door calling to his wife to the right and to the left I hear the clanging of machinery from the glass makers shop. As I walk into Elysia through the back door, I'm welcomed by the site of color with the many flowers adorning the shop. I smile in fondness at my hanging plants and their long vines curling, and I swear they turn to me in greeting, warming at my proximity. I've always had such a connection to any type of flower or plant and feel, though it may seem odd to some, it's a really wonderful connection to have. I close the door quietly behind me, surprised mom isn't up yet.

As I move behind the counter to get things ready for today, I hear someone walking and then stumble onto the ground. I peer above and see Annie, her freckled face red with embarrassment, as she rubs her head. Her clear blue eyes are wide with shock as she mutters to herself about being so clumsy. I smile softly at her and call out, trying not to scare her, but see her jump anyway.

"Rough morning already? Annie we haven't even started yet!"

"Ahh, I woke up late. That's what's started my problem, Lynaria!"

She huffs a breath as she stands, her cheeks resembling a puffer fish. I do take note of the dark circles under her eyes and wonder if I should pack her some chamomile leaves for tonight. Annie has been such a good help with running the shop and is a quick learner. She's a cute little thing with big eyes, round circular glasses that are too big for her face, and wheat colored hair that looks like she belongs in a catalog for dolls.

"Well we will get a pot of coffee or Dragon Pearl tea started? Make for a nice treat this morning?"

She smiles brightly and jumps, making me giggle at the motion.

"Let's do both!"

As I nod, gesturing for her to go into the back room to get it started, I glance around the shop, taking it all in. I hope I'm making my father proud by running it in his place. I whisper a silent prayer for him, as I do each morning before we open, hoping that he is listening and feels my love. I miss him so much.

"Oh father, please be well where you are. I hope each day is painless for you."

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