Segment Zero - Dante

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Soft rock music fills the air as I keep my feet on my desk, rocking my foot back and forth to the beat of the song. The magazine I was reading before rests on my face as I lean back in my chair, trying to focus. I'm waiting for my pizza to arrive as I always do my best thinking on a full stomach. My eyes are closed, but I feel my mind is racing, trying to piece together a conversation I just had not that long ago with a kind sounding lady. She seemed sincere, but don't they always? How do I trust what she was spitting is fact?

I lean back a little more and I know if I push even slightly the wrong way, I'll fall on my ass. Yet I've always been the one to push my luck, even when the odds are stacked against me. It's been like that for years.

"She knew the old man, huh?"

My chair slams to the ground as I sit up, tossing the magazine to the desk top, leaning my arms against the edge of the desk. She sounded so certain and something inside my body wants to believe her. My cerulean gaze stares at the faded world map I have hanging on the wall, staring at the general location of where my next mission would be if I agreed. I tilt my head, my eyes unfocused and I recall the conversation just moments before.

"Devil May Cry, how can I help ya?"

I hear a sharp inhale of breath followed by a woman's voice soaked in endearment. She sounds a bit older, but not elderly. Her tone is very kind.

"My goodness, Sparda, is that you? It couldn't be. It's been so long."

I feel my blood turn cold and I want to jump on the defensive, but I hold myself back. It isn't good to start barking at people, now is it?

"Definitely not. What can I do for you?"

My cool voice comes out more tense than I wanted, but I'm impatient. What kind of shit did my old man get into if he has a lady saying his name like this? Hopefully this wasn't after the time with my mother.

"I'm sorry, young man, I can hear how taut you are. I knew Sparda when he was a young man and I myself was a young lady. He helped my husband and I'm indebted to that. I'm calling you because I was informed you were the best of the best in extermination services of the demonic variety. We need help desperately before too many young people get hurt."

I give a hum to continue and she does, giving me a backstory to some creature stalking through the night, picking through young women as their primary target and completely devouring their faces. All that is usually left behind with the body is the lower body and part of the thoracic area.

It seems the demon works alone and is very meticulous with their handiwork. Little clues outside of their preferences. But, without going to see it myself, I cannot be sure how perfect this demon really is. There is always a clue somewhere.

As the memory fades, I think about how long I've been doing this. It's been about 15 years at this point? I have made a name for myself, which is honestly a good thing to the vulnerable, and get to help those who really need it. It's a good gig to do what others can't do, but man does it get isolating sometimes. I look over to the picture of my mother sitting on my desk and smile at her, as if she can hear and see me.

"Ehh ma, I feel like I want to retire, but how can I? What would I even do? I haven't found anyone yet I'd consider to pass it to. Lady ain't interested nor would I be able to pass it to her in good faith," I lean my face into my hands and sigh, laughing to myself.

"I think I already made up my mind, just wanted to talk to you about it, ma. I'll keep it up for as long as I can. I can't turn down those in need."

Though I would never admit it out loud, I think it's the solitude that really eats away at me sometimes. My brother has been missing for 15 years since our last encounter and my mother and father both have passed. Lady, who I've known for a long time, though we have found solace on a lonely night every now and then, isn't the one I want to be with. Not only did it not last too long when we did actually try to date, we both realized we're much too alike and just not romantically compatible. Though we do make amazing friends and good partners at work, I realize I prefer me a softer girl, one who's a smidge more delicate, though there is nothing wrong with being a badass fighter. Just need a little bit of my opposite to fit the puzzle and bring out the softer side in me.

I shrug the thought of loneliness away, however, resolved to help those unsuspecting people that don't realize they need help. I run a gloved hand through my white locks, deeply sighing. As selfish as it sounds, though I've always pushed the thought of having someone at my side away due to not wanting to lose them like my mother and father's relationship, if I'm lucky with this mission and find something worth my time, I don't think I'll push it away. Hopefully I do, if not, it'll just be satisfying to help. Though it would be pretty neat to get a new weapon maybe.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I pick up the phone to call my good friend Morrison. I know I'll have to give him a good cut of the pay, but it's better to fly private versus having a whole bunch of people stare at me for carrying a sword on a plane. Plus, then I'd have to pay extra and I'm not about that. I'm already borderline broke as it is. The line rings a few clicks till he answers, his smooth jazz voice speaking into the phone.

"Hey Dante, what's up?"

"Morrison, I need a big favor. Do you think you can stop by the shop? I gotta get set up for travel to Celestia, England."

"Oh this sounds like it's gonna be good and I didn't even bring it to you this time. I'm on my way. See you soon."

As I hang up, I hear my stomach growl in deep hunger. Man, I hope that pizza comes before he does. I'm starving. Can't go demon hunting on an empty stomach

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