Reunion Battle

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The Dragon General, Shinmen Akio, have arrived in Japan from overseas after years of traveling. He went to Musashi town in Kantou area, looking for a friend who rumored to be there. Upon arriving there, Akio face the famous Homura gang who control the East Musashi at ease. But they are nothing compare to his strength. When he face Homura Toshiie, the leader of Homura gang, Akio get cocky and only able to win by luck. However, Toshi and Akio were both holding back, and Akio have yet to show what he truly capable of.

Few Days Later...


At Sasuke's place...

After the battle before, Yukimura's group take Akio to the place so he can stay with them during his stay at Musashi. While Kanbei got the bed, Yukimura got the couch, Akio have brought a futon and some pillows for himself and slept on the floor. When the morning comes, the alarm clock rang and Akio tap it, stopping it from making more sound. Akio sit up and rub his eyes before yawn.

Akio: Morning come really fast...

He turn to the table, seeing all the cards and cores all over the place.

Akio: I can't believe Yukimura and I battled ten battles until 3 a.m., only to get a draw with five wins and five loses each...

Kanbei: *yawn* Good morning, Akio.

Akio: Morning, Kanbei.

They turn to Yukimura, who still sleeping on the couch.

Akio: He still asleep?

Kanbei: It can't be helped. Yukimura's more tired than you are.

Akio: I was the one who supposed to be the most tired... I just got here for few days, and now all this!

Yukimura: *slowly sit up* Why are you two so loud? *yawn* Let me sleep more...

Akio: It's already morning, damn it. We got less sleep thanks to your suggestion until we have to fight until three in the morning!

Yukimura: I want to settle our scores... *smug* But I'm still in the lead with 58 wins. You only have 55 wins.

Akio: Just you wait, Yukimura! I've gain experience overseas, and even stronger battler than you expect!

Yukimura: Yes, yes... But you get cocky and arrogant quickly which make you'll lose when you lose focus.

Akio: Wha--?! Try say that again!

They start arguing all over again.

Kanbei: *in mind* I never thought Yukimura would counter Akio with such fact... Anyway, when will these two ever stop arguing?

After washing themselves, they change their clothes into their usual clothes and head out.


At a restaurant, the trio are having a breakfast. To Yukimura and Kanbei's suprise, Akio eating a lot of meals.

Akio: So good! So good! Even though I've ate some before, it's been a while since I've ate Japanese food! It feels good to back here!

Yukimura: I never saw you eat so much before...

Kanbei: Take it slow, Akio. There are more, so don't need to eat so fast or you'll choked.

Like Kanbei said, Akio did get choked but he grab a glass of water and drank it, feeling relief for a second before continuing on eating.

Kanbei: *in mind* It's no use...

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