The Green Hero

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Arriving at the new world of Sixelia, Akio is trying to get used to the new world. Currently still resting at the village that he saved from the bandits, he still trying to think about what should he be doing in the new world. But for now, Akio will be encounter with another familiar person.


At the lake, Akio is helping Kabuto taking some water there using the container so they can water the plants at the nearby farm.

Kabuto: Thanks for the help, Akio!

Akio: Don't mention it. I help in the way I can.

Kabuto: You can play Battle Spirits, and do other things too!

Akio: Well, I'm not that good at it. All I did was just basic stuff, something people already know.

Kabuto: Do you really travel around much?

Akio: Yeah, I do. Because I wanted to see the world, and expand my knowledge and experience Battle Spirits. Mostly because I'm just so curious about few stuff.

After done filling the container, they take the container to the farm.


At the farm, Akio and Kabuto brought the container there. Kato fill in the buckets with water before having some help from several MachGs to help carry the buckets and watering the field. Because some normal spirits live among people, many of them tend to help people that show them respect and do not abuse them.

Kato: All right, good work. Thank you for the help.

He take several bucket of honey, which the MachGs able to enjoy. And the mutual life between people and spirits are not rare in this world, but it mostly seen in the country side because spirits live in the woods. Akio and Kabuto sat at the bench while looking at the farm.

Akio: So this is your daily life here?

Kabuto: Pretty much.

Akio: Never work at a farm before. But it feels quite fun.

Kabuto: After this, let's play another battle!

Akio: Are you serious? I beat you in just the fourth turn.

Kabuto: Geh!

Akio: But you did improve since you familiar with the core boost. Though why not add Kirikage into your deck? That spirit can help you, and it actually a Catalyst spirit.

Kabuto: Kirikage is a Catalyst?

Akio: Like Mitsurugi-Dragon, Kirikage can actually activate Soul Burst. But it has been green Soul Burst.

Kabuto: That's cool! But I don't have any Soul Burst card...

Akio: Then--

???: You two!

They turn toward Kato along with the MachGs that carries several more buckets.

Kato: We have to get back to work so we can get all of this over with.

Akio/Kabuto: Right!

They went to Kato and help him with the field.

(Time Skip)

When the afternoon came, Kato told Akio and Kabuto get back to the village to take a break.


After they back at the village, the guards are still helping the villagers rebuilding the broken building.

Akio: Looks like everything in this village is starting to be restored.

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