MoonlightDragon & SunDragon

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After almost two weeks Akio stayed at a village near the border of Verde Kingdom, Akio decided to go on a journey to see what kind of world Sixelia is. Kabuto join up with Akio because he wanted to see the world as well. Since Akio is unfamiliar with Sixelia, and while Kabuto rarely leave his village, he can be a guide to Akio. Knowing what Akio might needed for in this world, he sought to find what the true meaning of the Core Heroes.

Few Days Later...


At a town, the place is packed with people. Kabuto been to small towns before so he know what the place is look like and the environment, same as bigger town. Because Akio and Kabuto need to have some way to earn money, they take some temporary work at the town until they can move on again.

At a Battle Spirit Shop...

The Battle Spirit shop is a place where many card battlers tend to go, to learn more about Battle Spirits, battle with other battlers and even buy cards for their deck. Akio and Kabuto work at the cafeteria side of the shop.

Kabuto: Hey, Akio, do you usually work like this?

Akio: That depends on the place. Plus the Battle Spirit shop usually need extra hands, that's why this is the best place to find a job when it comes for battlers.

Kabuto: Ohh, that's amazing!

Akio: By the way, aren't your village has a battler shop?

Kabuto: Ah, that wasn't really count as one. It just a small shop, like a club.

Akio: I see. I get it.

Kabuto: I will work harder and get enough money!

Akio: *sweatdrop* We actually earn money that enough for living...

While they doing some work in serving the snacks and junk foods to the customers, Akio also observe each of the card battlers that close to the cafeteria side.

Akio: *in mind* From all of the battlers, the ones I having trouble with are Fidio and Fanta. I didn't even get to draw much of my War Dragon spirits and control the situation like usual. Guess there are much more high level battlers here, around S-Class level.

"Excuse me, we take two popcorn!"

Akio: Oh, got it!

Kabuto: Coming right up!

(Time Skip)

After working the whole morning, Akio and Kabuto get their break at the afternoon. They also have some lunch at the local food stall. After their lunch, they returned to the shop.

Akio: Ahh, that was so good.

Kabuto: Yeah. The food here is really good. Hey, Akio, can we have a battle?

Akio: That sounds good. But what kind of battle you wanted?

Kabuto: If can, I want to have a battle at the Battle Zone!

Akio: Since those who without Core Item cannot summon the Battle Zone, only specific area like at the Battle Spirits Shop where you can summon it.

Kabuto: Got it! Let's get permission from the boss!

They went to the main lobby and ask permission from the shop owner for a battle since it still their break time.

"Sure thing. If you able to entertain me, I might give you some extra cash for it."

Akio: *sweatdrop* Boss, this isn't gambling...

Kabuto: Anyway, let's get to battle!

???: Whoa!

Battle Spirits Roaring Soul: World of Sixelia Where stories live. Discover now