The MasterSwordWarDragon

167 3 8

(A/N: There is an important note at the end of the chapter! Do not forget to read it!)

Toshi, Souun and Kanetsugu have been beaten. Even with all the battle, they unable to draw out Akio's true power and even to let his key spirit out. With the three S-Class battlers of Musashi has been beaten, what is left now, is the man with burning soul, the person who Akio have rivaled with... Rekka Yukimura.


In the town of Musashi, at the park, Akio is seen lying down on the grass while having his eyes closed and his hands behind his head, having some lone time.

Akio: ...

He remember all the battle between Toshi, Souun and Kanetsugu. Despite they put a good fight, it isn't good enough to make Akio truly go all out. If there is someone who can make Akio get truly serious in battle, it would be him.

Akio: *in mind* Am I too greedy, for asking a true battle between Battle Spirits battler?

He take out a certain card from his deck, and it is his precious card.

Akio: What do you really wanted... partner?

The wind blows as Akio keep looking at the card, before keep it away. Before he sit up and look to the sky.

Akio: If there someone who can beat me in Battle Spirits aside Nobu-nii and Yukimura...

Imagines of several people, including at least three Japanese battlers, appear in his mind.

Akio: *sigh* ...

"Hey, did you heard?!"

Akio: Hmm?

He turn aside and saw some kids talking.

"Did you hear? The Homura gang make an announcement about Toshi's rematch with Yukimura!"

"Really?! We should go check it out!"

"Yeah! It should be an amazing match!"

They quickly rush toward the stadium. Akio also some other kids running toward the stadium.

Akio: A rematch between Yukimura and Toshi, huh? Hmph. Interesting.

He get up and walk ahead, following the kids and head toward the Musashi Stadium in order to check it out.


When he reach the stadium, he sees the crowd who wish to watch witness the announcement. Not just Yukimura and Toshi, but Souun and Kanetsugu are there as well. It seems Toshi isn't the only one who wish for a rematch witj Yukimura.

Akio: Hahahah! Hey, hey, isn't this interesting?!

They all turn to Akio who just shows up.

Akio: *smirk* Never thought all of you just make this kind of ruckus so you can have a rematch with Yukimura... *point at himself* Without inviting me?!

Sasuke: Eeeeehhh?!

Yukimura: Akio, you too?

Akio: Listen, you three mediocares. If you can't even beat me, do you even think you can beat Yukimura?!

Toshi: Why you...!

Souun: Akio...!

Kanetsugu: Hmph...

Akio: *look at Homura gang* Hey, when will the rematch between Yukimura and Toshi, as well as for Kanetsugu against Souun will be held?


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