Battling the Blade Beast

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While Akio spending his time helping the village to recover and playing Battle Spirits along with the kids there, one familiar person appear before him. Akio meet meet Fidio, an S-Class Battler from Italy that he battled few times before but never win against him. When battling against him, Akio stood no chance as Fidio perfectly uses the core boost and his X-Rares to perfectly lock his spirits while preventing Akio from summoning his key spirits.


At the bathroom, Akio is sitting inside the bathtub and relaxing with the hot water he is bathing in. Akio trying to relax as he trying to think of what happen before.

Akio: *in mind* Dan-san, what are we supposed to do in this world? You just sent me here, but you never told me that there are others like me here too...

He look up at the ceiling before dipping his lower head into the water.

Akio: *in mind* I can't win against Fidio, but after that, this core hero thing...


Fanta: You two... Could you be the rumored core heroes?

Akio: Core heroes? What's that?

Fidio: I never heard of that either.

Fanta: But having the sentient spirits that have chosen you should be the proof.

Fidio: I only here because I heard about Akio is here, and I only wanted to battle him. And if you wish to know, there is someone else you should ask for that.

Fanta: ...?

Fidio: *turn to Akio* Now then... I should be get going. I wanted to find other opponents to battle win, so see you later. And I hope you become stronger than before.

He turn around and wave at Akio, as Cancerd returned to the deck.

(Flashback Over)

Akio: *in mind* Core heroes... What are those?

After done with the bath, he get out the bathtub and wipe himself, and cover himself before return to Kabuto's room. Akio change into his usual clothes before walk down to the dining room to have a dinner with Kabuto's family. After the dinner, Fanta arrive at the resident because Akio asked him to come.

(Living Room)

Sitting at each side of the table with the table separating them, Akio and Fanta sat at their couch. Blair put a cup of tea in front of both of them, and a plate of biscuits.

Blair: Enjoy, you two. And please talk finely.

She left them and returned to the kitchen. Kabuto and Ato watches the conversation from outside the living room, only watching from the side.

Akio: Fanta-san, thank you for meeting me tonight. There is something I'd like to ask you. It is about the "core heroes" matter.

Fanta: I'd thought you would wish to know about that.

Akio: What was this deal?

Fanta: You never heard of the core hero?

Akio: Unfortunately, no. The only time I first heard it is when Cancerd said it.

Fanta: I see.

From the deck, Mitsurugi-Dragon card fly out and get near Akio.

Mitsurugi-Dragon: Sorry, Akio. But I don't know why I didn't bring it up.

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