World of Sixelia

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With the defeat of Toshiie, Souun and Kanetsugu in the hands of Akio, including Yukimura, his name yet again fly across the Musashi area across Kantou, making the name "Dragon General" even more clear to the people of Musashi. Upon hearing his name, they wonder how such Battle Spirits battler like himself was only heard through rumors than actually appears in the first place.


"Go, Mushamosaurus, attack!"

"Magic, Regain. All my white spirits get 3000 BP!"

"Argh, not again."

Like usual, the life of the battlers in Musashi move daily. After school, kids take the chances to play Battle Spirits as much as they like with each other. Akio sat at under a tree while reading a magazine.

Akio: Battle Spirits just being popular as ever. I wonder if there's more challenge today.

"U-Uh... Excuse me?"

He look up from the magazine and sees some kids.

Akio: Yes, can I help you?

"R-Right! You're Shinmen Akio, right?"

"Hey, hey, can you give us some battle tips?"

Akio: Battle tips?

"Yes, so we can become stronger! There are others we wanted to battle!"

"But we're too weak..."

Akio: So what? Everyone start off very weak. You think I was this strong from the start? Like you guys, I start off being a terrible battler but become this strong after years of experience. So, what kind of tips you wanted?

They feel happy when Akio willingly to give them some tips about how to battle properly. When he tell them about certain important advice, they didn't understand what he meant at all. After that, Akio watches the kids play against each other in their battle spirits.

(Time Skip)

After walking away from the park, Akio walk through the riverbank.

Akio: If I remember, Yukimura and Toshi would be battling each other next week. I wonder about that... Anyway, I wonder if I should tell Yukimura and Souun that I'm leaving Musashi?

He sigh and scratch his head, before he take out his deck and look at it.

Akio: *in mind* I know that I've become stronger, and even able to stand in an equal ground against the world level battler even when I lost, but... For some reason, I'm still hungry... Hungry for a real battle!

Without he notice it, there is a shining red orb hidden in the shadows of a building. Feeling him being watched, Akio turn around and try to look for anyone but can't find the one who watching him. He thought it was just a funny feeling before continue his walk.

(Time Skip)
(Sasuke's Place)


They all shocked to hear that Akio decide to leave Musashi and continue on his journey.

Yukimura: Hey, are you serious, Akio? You just got here for a few weeks!

Sasuke: And I haven't beat you yet!

Akio: Sorry, but I made up my mind. I'm thinking of continuing my journey.

Yukimaru: When you actually got here, I thought you would stay for a long time... And when I actually needed your help to face Toshi next week.

Akio: And I'm sorry about that, too. But I think staying at one place isn't really a good thing for me. Plus... Yukimura, you know how large my hunger for battle is, right?

Battle Spirits Roaring Soul: World of Sixelia Where stories live. Discover now