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I sat up, dazed and confused, feeling a hand press mine. "Wakey wakey dove, you have a podium to get to."

It wasn't a dream? Oh my word, my heart sunk and I just about jumped off the stretcher. My legs felt weak but I walked, It felt good, I felt powerful because besides the podium, I saw on a screen that I won driver of the day.

I was standing on the podium, P2, it felt amazing, Max was standing next to me. I leaned over to him and whispered, "Were you standing next to my car when I passed out?" He pulled a face and shrugged, "No." that's all he said. Now I was really confused. Was that part just a dream?

When I wanted to spray the champagne, it felt like I was too weak to even lift the bottle, and I think everyone related with me, they were too tired, everyone was exhausted. At most they took a few sips.

I went to find Lando, he was in the McLaren garage, laying down on the floor. He looked horrible. I went to crouch next to him, he looked at me, "hey love, good race yeah?". "Yeah", I nodded and went to lay next to him. "Heard you fainted after the race, are you okay? It was hot as hell, I puked my guts out afterwards.", he was breathless.

"I"ll ask for a car to take us to the hotel." I said yearning for a bed. My dad must've been close enough to hear because he said he'll take us. We got in the car and Lando put his head on my shoulder, he was fast asleep.

We got to our room and Lando headed straight to bed. I had an ice bath and was left alone with my thoughts. We'll probably celebrate the podium tomorrow and I mean I was happy. My dad is real proud and that drive tonight may have just organized me a seat for next year, I felt like I had this hole though, something was missing, I guess this isn't the life I planned, but how could I ever complain?

Lando was sleeping, taking up most of the bed, with his legs sprawled out like a starfish. "Well that's just great." I whispered to myself. I tried to move him up a little bit but he was too heavy, and my body was aching. I decided that the couch was just as good at that moment and went to sleep.

I heard something break then the noise of Lando cussing. "What the hell?!" I ask through my sleep.  When I sat up I just saw glass everywhere. "I'm sorry! I tried to make you breakfast but obviously the plates had other plans, they slipped out of my hands and well, now there's this shit.", Lando was rambling continuously. " It's okay! Lando calm down, it's okay!", he took a deep breath, "Sorry, I'm just a bit worked up."

I sat in silence wondering what he was thinking, what on earth could work him up like that. I decided just to check my phone I had a lot of emails to get to, but when I checked my notifications I saw a bunch of tags in my social media and a hashtag #marstappen , what the hell... I went in on the first video I saw and it was of me in my race car with Max crouching beside it shaking me a bit, when that didn't work he tried to pull me out, but failed. My team rushed over, helped him pull me out and he carried me to the golf cart that would take me to the medical center.

"What the actual fuck!", I went on google and saw that even the press was all over this. I basically put my phone against Lando's face and asked him if this was the reason he was worked up. "Yeah, okay so I saw that and I was a little pissed off.", he said trying to remain calm but I could see he actually looked hurt.

" Lando, you know I don't have anything to do with Max right? I'm with you, I've been with you for the past 3 years...", it was unbelievable, why was this happening, but the something else puzzled her, why did Max lie on the podium...

"Yeah I know but still, it's like we aren't even together in the eyes of the world, I mean you never post about me or say something about me in an interview." He was angry she could hear it, but she wouldn't stand down, "Well sorry but I thought we had made a mutual decision to keep our love life together private from the media, if you wanted to change that you could've talked to me, but you didn't!",I was hurt and defensive , "It isn't my fault that he carried me out of the car. I was literally unconscious!"

"Okay alright, you are right, I could've talked to you about it. I could've, and I didn't and now you have a fucking hashtag with another guy, like I don't even exist and I'm sorry, I know it isn't your fault, it's just frustrating...", he was also hurt.

" Listen-" i began, but I got an email, and this was an important one, it was Redbull...

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