13. Drunk dial

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"I need you."

"Marie? Is this you?"

"I need to see you..."

When she realized what she had just done I ended the call as quick as humanly possible. What the actual fuck dis I just do, calling Lando, saying I need him... Fuck my life. How could I be so desperate? Calling the man who cheated, lied and gaslighted me. I'm so fucked....

With that I took another sip of the wine that was in the fridge. I put on Me before You wishing I could euthanize myself for the stunt I just pulled.

He is literally probably fucking some other girl right now and I'm wallowing in my own self pity. You know what I'm going to go out and enjoy myself. I'm going to a bloody line dancing club and getting even more drunk.

I somehow managed to make myself a bath with bubbles, and I got ready. I put on the only dress I had and even though it wasn't much, it was still the best I had. I called myself a cab because it was pouring outside otherwise I would've probably been able to walk to the nearest bar.

When I opened my door I was surprised to find a drenched figure with a hoodie on and when he took the hood off I was even more surprised...

"Max?! What the hell are you doing outside my hotel door?"

"Well I haven't been invited inside yet so that kinda leaves me standing out here" he raised his arms.

"No but I mean what are you doing HERE?"

"Hell I was hoping you could tell me, since YOU CALLED ME saying you need me..."

Shit... holy shit! I might have made a bit of a technical error. What the hell do I say now? I thought I was calling Lando. My head was absolutely spinning.

"Uhm yeah sorry I forgot... come in and dry up..." saying that I quickly checked my phone's contact list:

Lando </3
Max >:(

Fuck me..., I called Max instead of Lando and I was too fucking drunk to realise...

Max was taking off his jacket that was dripping wet and he seemed to almost shiver, and here I was standing with a dress on thinking that it was an amazing idea. My room was kinda trashed with bottles of beer and wine laying around and even little shot bottles were laying around the place.

"I'm so sorry about the mess, I am just quickly gonna put on some pj's and then I'll be back"

I got dressed and then threw my biggest pair of sweats and a hoodie on his lap. "Now I did want to offer you undies as well but unfortunately I didn't pack thongs." He gave a smirk and just started pulling off his clothes right there I turned around a bit nervously and I didn't really even know what was going on.

"Marie it's not that serious, it's just my shirt..." he laughed and then said a bit more seriously , " but actually don't look now,I don't want you to see me in my thongs"

I laughed, even when I didn't think I'd be up to it.

I turned back around and there Max was sitting on my couch, when I didn't even mean to call him. It is weird to me, he always looked like he kinda hated me and now he's trying to cheer me up and laughing, I never thought that this would happen... I didn't think he would actually come if I ever called.

"So what's the matter? Why did you call me Marko?"

"Well I needed someone and I didn't really expect it to be you but well you showed up, so thank you. Why did you show up?"

"Well I saw that you and Lando broke up and I can't think that you would be in an amazing place right now and since you're my future teammate I figured that well, you maybe needed someone from the 'outside' to understand..."

That actually made me feel less alone. This was a side of Max I haven't seen, he's warm even though his hair is dripping and he's still shivering.

I want to thank him but I can't stand seeing this poor man freeze... "Max do you want to maybe shower to warm up or a blanket or something."

"A blanket maybe please."

I went and got him a blanket, I wanted to grab myself one as well but there was only one. When I got back the couch was pulled out and Max was lying on his back.

"What about a movie?" He asks. Taking the blanket and stuffing a pillow behind his head.

Well he made himself comfortable real quick, I nod and hand him the remote so he can choose and go sit on the single seat sofa. To my surprise he put on Lala Land. I gave him a shocked stare and he just shrugged his shoulders, "what? It's for you..." it is one of my favorite movies and I only watch it after a heartbreak, it's a tradition I started with my mom but I haven't even thought about it until now. How could he know... He snuggled himself in the couch bed he made and he looked like a little kid.

We watched the movie and it felt so surreal, I haven't watched this movie in like 3 years and I mean now I'm watching it with someone I thought hated me until literally last night...

But if I am being fair the last few days have been strange and stressful and it feels like my life is making a 180 degree turn... the thought of everything these past few days gave me a chill that ran through my spine and I shivered... Max noticed and told me that if I was cold I can sit next to him, there was plenty of space and blanket...

I didn't want to make him feel bad so I did, I also propped a pillow behind my head and watched the rest of the movie... I was in tears at the end but it wasn't because of the movie itself, it was because of my mom, I remember how she showed me this movie to teach me that loving someone sometimes means letting them go and that love isn't always a happily ever after. I don't know how I didn't see that my parents weren't happy... max looked like he wanted to say something but remained silent just stroking my back as I was crying saying that he is here for me and that I am not alone... he was so gentle and calming that I fell asleep...

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