11. Lemon eater

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When Maria was 14 she walked in on her father fucking some other woman. She was devastated as one would be but her father just acted like nothing happened, of course there was a strain on their relationship and she pitied her mother but there wasn't much she could do, her parents being together was the most normal thing in her life and she didn't want to lose that. She told her brother Miko after a while, he was 2 years older than her and begged her to just forget about it, so she did...

She saw the same blank and shocked expression she had once seen on her father's face when she looked at Lando. He had a girl all over him, but he had his eyes locked with me, seconds later he threw her off and like my father, acted like nothing happened, he must've thought I didn't see him making out with that girl while I was walking back from my confusing talk with Max...

"Fangirl?" I ask with a bit of bite.

"Yeah you know how it is." He answered flatly

"You know I've never seen a dentist do that?"

He was confused and questioned me.

"You know checking if all your teeth are okay with their tongue." I say flatly

He went white, "That wasn't what it looked like Marie, I swear! She came onto me! I love you and would never do that to you!"

"You know after my father I thought damn, love wasn't real, and I guess you proved me right..."

"Marie please you have to believe me!"

"I think what you mean to say is Marie please let me gaslight you some more... I know what I saw,and I know you weren't begging for my seat at redbull, and I'm pretty sure if those were both true, you also asked my father to talk me out of this seat..." He looked stunned. "I believe we are done here Lando, actually I believe we are done in every way possible."

I turned on my heel leaving that son of a bitch behind, but after about 3 steps my eyes were full of tears and I rubbed away. Not looking where I was headed I bumped into a familiar chest, "Oh sorry Mar- shit are you crying? Are you okay, what happened?" That chest belonged to a drunk Tony who seemed to immediately sober up.

I wiped my tears away, "No, don't worry I'm fine."

He didn't believe me and led me outside where we could talk and actually hear each other. In the neon LED signs light he looked more handsome, it outlined everything that needed to be, and him towering over me made my stomach drop.

" Marie what's up? You don't seem good?" His eyes looked concerned.

"Uhm, well, I just caught Lando cheating and it seems like he's been lying about just about everything and I'm very drunk." I just started breaking down. He pulled me into a hug, "Oh Marie, I'm so sorry. I know it hurts, Let me take you home."

And that's what he did, he called a cab, and walked me to my room. He gently helped me into bed and stroked my back during my breakdown until I fell asleep.

When I awoke the next morning, my eyes were puffy and I found an note on my bedside table:

He never deserved you anyway, you could accomplish so much Marie, I believe in you!
-Tony ;)

I found it kind and sweet of him to leave that note, and after all, he didn't need to stay as long as he did last night.. I really owed him one.

I was about to write a text thanking him, when a TMZ article was being sent to me by everyone I knew. It had photos of Lando kissing that girl, and more down a photo of me sobbing in Tony's arms. "Shit..." the media was gonna have a field day with this one...

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